Three Reasons Why Catholics Cannot Support the BLM Revolution

August 24, 2020

​An editorial in The New York Times by Elizabeth Bruenig titled “Racism Makes a Liar of God” presents a sentimental yet stinging indictment of Catholics who reject the present anti-racist activism. She cannot understand why these generally conservative Catholics cannot bring themselves to pronounce the three explosive words: Black Lives Matter. The editorial calls upon […]

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Rosary Rallies Support the Police in Houston, Texas

August 17, 2020

On Saturday August 8, members and friends of TFP-Texas held public rosary rallies at two locations in downtown Houston to support local police. ​Our Police put their lives on the line every day for our protection and the protection of our loved ones. They do this out of love of the principles of law and […]

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Fostering Manly Virtue at the TFP-Texas Sword Demo

August 17, 2020

On Saturday July 25, TFP-Texas hosted a Call to Chivalry Sword Demonstration just north of Houston at it’s regional center in Humble, Texas. Participants enjoyed an afternoon of camaraderie centered around the history and techniques of knightly martial arts. A highlight for participants was the “jug cutting” test. Following the activities outside, the young men […]

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Texans Join DC Rally to Restore America

August 7, 2020

On July 21, 2020, nine young Tradition, Family and Property Texas volunteers traveled to Washington D.C. to join a rosary rally for the nation at the U.S. Capitol Building. The event was part of the American TFP’s nationwide campaign to return the nation to order. The American TFP is in the process of holding Rosary […]

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Taking the Pulse on How the Public Sees the Police

August 7, 2020

​Too often, the media portrays all police as monsters persecuting minorities. They also give the impression that everyone, especially black people, are anti-police. To answer the question of what people really think, 19 volunteers and friends of Tradition, Family, Property (TFP)-Louisiana took to the streets of Lafayette with pro-police signs and the rosary on July […]

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Taking a Stand Against the Sexual Revolution

August 6, 2020

​On July 17-18, 2020, members of Tradition, Family, Property (TFP)-Louisiana united with activists from around the country in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The Ruth Institute’s Third Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution brought together a diverse crowd for both online and in-person presentations. Participants overcame the restrictions making travel more difficult to make the […]

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Order and Chaos Clash in Denver

July 27, 2020

We woke up shivering on the morning of June 19, 2020. The cold had come upon us unexpectedly that night. Upon rising, we scrambled out of our sleeping bags and took down our tents. After a quick breakfast, we left our campsite just outside of Denver, Colorado and headed for the State Capitol Building. This […]

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Storming Heaven with Prayer in Phoenix, Arizona

July 27, 2020

After three days of driving on the hot and dusty road, our fourteen-member group of volunteers reached Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, on June 20. This was the second capital we would be visiting as part of a nationwide campaign of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP).  Several “caravans” […]

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Mother of Mercy Caravan visits The Sunflower State

July 13, 2020

On June 18, 2020, the Mother of Mercy Restore America Caravan visited Topeka, Kansas, as one of many stops on our nationwide tour to all fifty state capitals. Young volunteers with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, Property (TFP) are holding rosary rallies for America’s return to order. In front of the […]

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Returning to Oklahoma City for Our Lady

July 13, 2020

​On June 17, members of TFP-Louisiana and the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) assembled on the steps of the State Capitol Building in Oklahoma City. They were holding a rosary rally as part of the TFP’s Restore America Campaign. Young TFP volunteers are traveling to all 50 state capitals, […]

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TFP Caravan Spreads “Return to Order” Message Throughout the Lone Star State

July 10, 2020

Upon arrival to the “City of the Holy Angel” or San Angelo, Texas, the caravan of volunteers set up a campaign at a strategically busy junction. Support from the local populace was impressive. “That’s the most honks I’ve ever heard,” observed David, a native of Dallas, Texas.​​ This TFP-Texas caravan is part of the Restore […]

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A Clash of Two Caravans in Austin, Texas

July 10, 2020

It was sunny and pleasant as we assembled in front of the capitol building in Austin, Texas, with signs, banners, and a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Some twenty-five local friends and supporters of TFP-Texas and the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joined in the recitation of the […]

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Nationwide Prayer Tour Sweeps Through Baton Rouge

June 16, 2020

On June 13, volunteers of Tradition, Family and Property—Louisiana (TFP) prayed the rosary in front of the State Capitol Building in Baton Rouge. This was the last stop of the first leg of the Mother of Mercy Caravan. TFP volunteers have been traveling the country, hoping to pray the rosary at each state capital for […]

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Uniting the Nation Through Prayer in Jackson, Mississippi

June 16, 2020

America needs to pray now more than ever.  One powerful expression of this need is the public recitation of the Holy Rosary, which Our Lady asked the faithful to pray to obtain peace in these troubled times. With this in mind, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) is traveling […]

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A Smile of Our Lady in Little Rock, Arkansas

June 16, 2020

June 10 began as a blustery and rainy day in the hills of the Ozark National Park, Arkansas. The volunteers from the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and TFP-Louisiana had spent the previous day with a “restful” 16-mile hike in the Ozark mountains. They were worried that the weather […]

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Praying at the Steps of the Capital in Montgomery, Alabama

June 16, 2020

As our jam-packed 15 passenger van lumbered through the Georgia darkness, from the front came the words we had all anticipated; “Gentlemen, get ready, we’re probably setting up in the rain.” After a long day of campaign and adventure, the ten young volunteers of the Mercy for America campaign prepared to set up tents for […]

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Announcing the 50 State Rosary Tour to Restore America

June 8, 2020

In face of coronavirus panic and civil unrest, Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana has joined the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) in launching a special campaign called, “Mary, Mother of Mercy, Restore America.” Many people feel helpless and have been asking themselves if there is anything that can be […]

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TFP Louisiana Commemorates Centenary of Saint Joan of Arc’s Canonization at New Orleans Event

June 8, 2020

On May 30, 2020, members of Tradition, Family and Property—Louisiana hosted their annual commemoration of the feast day of Saint Joan of Arc at her monument in New Orleans, Louisiana.  This year was extraordinary because it marked the hundredth anniversary of her canonization. Her gilded equestrian monument stands in the French quarter as a model […]

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6 Lessons of Saint Joan of Arc at TFP Academy Graduation

June 2, 2020

On the beautiful day of May 30th, St. Louis de Montfort Academy held its graduation for the Class of 2020. Parents and some members of the clergy traveled for this special day which coincided with the feast of St. Joan of Arc. The month of May was the centenary of her canonization by the Universal […]

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Col. John W. Ripley: A Hero Hollywood Will Never Mention

May 24, 2020

Mediocrity and egoism are engrained in the modern world. Heroism, self-sacrifice, and honor are often unwelcome and seldom given the admiration they deserve. After all, we are taught that comfort, security, and personal advancement come first. How many men are willing to go beyond the call of duty for an ideal greater than themselves? America […]

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The Importance of Charity in Times of Chaos

May 21, 2020

The renowned Catholic thinker and activist, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, once said, “In times of great crisis there are two types of men; those who are overwhelmed by the crisis and those who rise up to resist the trend of events and so change the course of history.” Currently, America is experiencing a crisis. […]

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Father De Smet and Fortitude in the Face of the Plague

May 11, 2020

History is full of examples of fortitude in the face of adversity. One such figure is  Father Pierre De Smet, S.J. This priest faced physical hardship and dangers as he gave everything for the salvation of souls. He even confronted the plague, which should serve as a lesson for our time. Men of Different Caliber […]

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What a Millennial Can Learn From the Wisdom of the Older Generations

May 10, 2020

The Chinese virus crisis (COVID-19) has given us all more time with the stay-at-home orders in place nationwide. Thus, I decided to call my grandparents and ask what they thought about it. A pleasant conversation ensued in which they gave the wonderful advice to remain calm and trust in God. Upon hanging up the phone, […]

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Cardinal Mindszenty’s Praise of Mothers

May 9, 2020

“The most important person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. “She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral – a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby’s body… “The angels have not been blessed with such a […]

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A Maternal Relationship with Our Lady

May 8, 2020

It seems to me that this invocation (Mother of God) has a very important point: it is that since Our Lady is the Mother of God, by a series of consequences She also is, and especial so, the Mother of men, and therefore, our Mother. I believe that the most precious grace that one can […]

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Warning! A Virus Threatens America’s Future and Christian Civilization

April 27, 2020

The Catholic Concept of the Common Good Is the Antidote to the Pandemic’s Ideological Manipulation America and the world now face a turning point in history that will define generations to come. In addition to the suffering and death toll, the coronavirus pandemic might trigger the greatest changes that humanity has faced in Christianity’s two […]

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If Saving Lives is What Matters Now, Why Allow Abortions?

April 27, 2020

On April 18, two dozen pro-lifers prayed the mysteries of the Rosary and sang hymns outside the Houston Women’s Clinic on San Jacinto Street. Observing social distancing, they prayed and held signs that read, “Honk Against Abortion,” and, “A Child is a Blessing Not a Disease.” Sadly, the abortion facility’s parking lot was not empty. […]

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Government Can’t Keep Acting Like Money Grows on Trees

April 22, 2020

A trillion dollars used to be a lot of money. In the past, most people never even thought in these terms since it seemed so far from reality. A trillion was like a gazillion. Few knew how many zeros were involved. However, times have changed. Our economy has expanded, and the value of goods and […]

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Is it “Prudent” to Withhold the Sacraments?

April 20, 2020

Governor Greg Abbott upheld the right for churches to remain open in Texas during the coronavirus crisis. He sensibly recognized they are essential to citizens. Yet, the doors to Catholic Churches remain closed. “If people come to church to pray and receive the sacraments, the coronavirus will spread,” say the “prudent” ones. Many Catholics are […]

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Why We Need Our Lady

April 20, 2020

Although we receive the necessary graces for our salvation, we still need special graces to persevere. This is because the process of the decadence of a soul generally follows a pattern. First, one commits acts of ingratitude that cause a retraction of grace. This causes the person in the state of grace to deteriorate slowly […]

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