By Joseph Dunlap

An Infant was born over 2000 years ago in a lowly stable. Despite that Child’s apparently humble origins, three kings traveled great distances to welcome him with Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. That Divine Infant was Our Lord Jesus Christ, coming to redeem humanity through His passion and death.

How many kings, presidents, or other leaders of nations would travel so far to adore Our Lord if He were born today?

Modern society separates Christmas from the Divine Infant. The Nativity no longer crowns the winter season but has degenerated into a popular festivity often abbreviated as Xmas. Store employees greet shoppers with Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Even in this holy season, the father of lies weasels his way into State Capitols in the form of satanic “holiday” displays.

Indeed, evidence of our society’s rejection of God surrounds us. Nonetheless, one thing is certain: Our Lord is constantly exposed to scorn and mockery when he deserves to be worshipped and adored. The travels of Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar provide perfect examples of the lengths we should be willing to walk to give appropriate honor to the King of Kings.

TFP Three Kings Celebration

To commemorate this beautiful event, over sixty people joined members of TFP-Louisiana at their Lafayette center in the heart of Acadiana on January 12, 2024.

The celebration began with the centuries-old tradition of chalking the doors with the initials of the Three Kings flanked by the new year – “20 + C + M + B + 25.” This ancient practice and the sprinkling of Holy Water throughout the house reminds us of Divine Providence, whose blessings we ask for the new year.

The Piñata is a Religious Symbol

Although this ceremony was the most meaningful moment of the afternoon, participants filled the majority of our time together with Christmas caroling, food, and piñatas for the children.

Many mistakenly think the piñata is just an amusement for young ones. However, it originally served as a method for passing on truths of the Faith. TFP member Mr. Cesar Franco introduced them, saying, “The traditional piñata is round and studded with seven horns adorned with shiny tassels. The seven horns represent the seven deadly sins, while the shiny tassels give off a shimmer that attracts the eye like the pleasures of this world. The person is usually spun around several times and is blindfolded to show that only with Faith can evil be overcome. The wooden rod, usually used to break open the piñata, represents Christian virtue, with which we can effectively combat the enticements of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Even the candy can represent two things: the reward of Heaven or the short-lived pleasures of this world.”

The three piñatas were dispatched with gusto by the many enchanted children present. The enduring lesson is that everyone should attack sin with the same enthusiasm.

The Three Kings Arrive

The Three Kings themselves also made an appearance. As soon as the tune of Silent Night slowly died away, a voice cried out, “Lead on Sir Knight!” and the notes of We Three Kings came strong and clear.

A knight in shining armor solemnly led an entourage of Three Kings dressed in flowing Eastern garb to the indoor Nativity scene nearby. After offering their gifts to the King of Kings, they joined the crowd, throwing golden chocolates to the children.

Everyone’s grins widened as the Magi arrived, and the Christmas carols became more meaningful. The Three Kings’ arrival defined the event, reminding everyone of the reason for the season.

Christmas Carols Have an Angelic Effect

For many, the Christmas carols are doubtless the highlight of the celebration. Every year, many comment. One lady exclaimed, “Even with all the other wonderful events, just singing Christmas carols with so many other people brings so much hope and gladness.”

Music is a mighty instrument, affecting every person for better or worse. One of the TFP members remarked, “We always sing traditional Christmas carols at these events, because they seem to have an angelic effect on us, lifting our minds to higher things.” Who knew something as simple as a Christmas carol could produce so happy a change in people?

After enjoying the excellent dishes contributed by the generous attendees, the event closed with the sunset. May the graces received that day remind us to imitate the virtues of the Three Kings!


By Kevin Roman


At the end of January, young volunteers with Tradition, Family, Property (TFP)—Louisiana carried the jubilant tone of Washington, D.C.’s famous March for Life to the South. They embarked on a weeklong tour to defend the right to life across Texas and Louisiana. January 30 found these intrepid young men engaging in a pro-life campaign at the University of Louisiana in Lafayette.


Purity is the Answer


As the campaign began, numerous people walked by, curious to discover what was happening. Many university students approached the volunteers, wanting to discuss the abortion issue and pose questions.


The majority of the students proved receptive to the message that purity is the only real solution to the abortion controversy. By removing the fear of pregnancy, abortion encourages men and women to be sexually promiscuous. The social acceptance of such activity facilitates the destruction of Christian morality. Only by upholding marriage, modesty and chastity can society overcome this modern hyper-sexualized world.


Of course, some passers-by despise Christian morality. Several pro-abortion students fled at the first mention of purity, hurling insults and obscene gestures. Typical of the foolishness that passes for wisdom within the pro-abortion faction, one woman even said that she wished there were fewer people in the world.


Screaming and Stealing


One young man, complete with a nose ring, shattered the relatively calm atmosphere. His idea of a reasonable argument was to run off with one of the pro-life signs. Much to his chagrin, members of the local police department were talking to TFP members when this incident occurred. They responded immediately.


One policeman hopped in his cruiser to chase the thief. Meanwhile, the TFP cameraman, Anthony Atilano, chased the man on foot.


The thief did not get far. The police caught him just around the next street corner. The police officer ordered the man to drop the sign, threatening that the young man would be charged and, possibly, tased if he did not stop. Immediately, the man surrendered and dropped the sign. At that point, the policeman got out of his car, handcuffed the would-be disrupter and shoved him in the back of the cruiser.


After talking to several witnesses and gathering information, the police issued a permanent arrest warrant to the criminal. The document prohibits the thief from entering campus property.


Later, a small but vocal group of pro-aborts formed, shrieking at the TFP volunteers. This miniature mob was unable, or at least unwilling, to engage in intellectual conversation. In response to their infantile cries, TFP members prayed the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.


Keep up the Good Fight


Despite the disorderly pro-aborts attempts to disrupt the event, many young students joined the TFP members in the Rosary. Others thanked them for being out there. One young lady said that she had followed the TFP since she was a little girl and has always admired all the volunteers’ diligent efforts to speak the truth to those who do not want to hear it.


Even as the members were leaving the campaign site, these good people showed their support. One young man called out, “Thank you, gentlemen for all you do. Keep the good fight and God Bless.” “Keep up the good work,” encouraged another. One lady in a truck honked her horn and thanked the volunteers.


Such responses embolden the young TFP volunteers, inspiring them to forge ahead and defend the right to life. These young men are full of hope for the future despite the difficulties they encounter as they bring their messages to college campuses and public squares. Without question, the future belongs to God and those who remain faithful, fighting to make abortion unthinkable in our beloved land.


By Joseph Dunlap

Leftist Provocateurs Fail to Disrupt the TFP’s University of Houston Pro-Life Rally

On January 27th, 2025, members of TFP-Texas kicked off their winter pro-life tour at the University of Houston.

The participants gathered in front of the University library. They came equipped with banners, signs, and flyers titled 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn. Hundreds of student passers-by accepted flyers and engaged in spirited but respectful discussions with the members. Several people commended the members for their brave stance, including one young lady who said, “As a woman I thank you all for standing up to the abuse and putting this pro-life message out there. I will pray for you!”

Many of these students were familiar with TFP’s activities nationwide, having seen TFP Student Action videos online. These young men and women were enthusiastic and expressed their support.

Screaming Liberal

Although TFP members and volunteers began the rally relatively routinely, it quickly heated up.

The instigator was a middle-aged man who came out of the library. He stood more or less quietly behind the members until they sang “God Bless America.” As the members proclaimed God’s blessings on our nation, the man went ballistic.

First, the instigator tried to drown out the group by screaming out the lyrics to the song “We Will Rock You.” As he continued, he grew nearer to the members, screaming in their faces. As the provocateur picked up steam, he even began confronting the children and adolescents attending the campaign. He shivered with rage as he came within inches of Benjamin, one of the young volunteers. A group of liberal students attempted to chant the incendiary chorus.

The Leftists Abandon Tolerance

However, their sad attempt fell flat as the TFP members sang a catchy piece titled “Where’s Your Tolerance?” to the familiar tune of Frère Jacques. The song illustrated the fact that the leftists flaunt their love of tolerance but usually have none when faced with a counterargument or objective Truth.

After a last run, screaming in the members’ faces, the middle-aged man eventually calmed down as he walked off.

However, another abortion supporter took advantage of this chaos. He carried an entire bottle of water and poured it on Anthony, the TFP cameraman. This was the same man who had absurdly accused the members of sexually assaulting women before his own attack. He fled soon afterward, taking his false accusations with him. As he left, the TFP members called the police and filed a report against the attacker.

The Question of Rape

Ironically, the members’ composed reaction lent a note of gravity to the scene, calming the surrounding students and restoring a sense of order to the rally.

Soon afterward, small groups of students gathered around the members, engaging in various conversations. One participant was a Muslim man who stated. “In Islam, abortion is wrong, except in the cases of rape or incest.” A TFP member replied, “Abortion is murder, no matter how unfortunate the way in which the child was conceived. The child should not receive the death penalty for a crime he didn’t commit.”

Such questions arise frequently at pro-life events. The TFP’s position echoes that of Holy Mother Church. To end any child’s life due to the criminal actions of the father is like executing an innocent bystander after a murder. The baby’s mother needs help, and she should get the assistance she needs, which many Church-affiliated pregnancy centers can give her. However, neither she nor anyone else has the right to take the life of the child.

Are Certain Medical Emergencies Considered Abortion?

Another common misconception concerns medical emergencies. When this subject arose, a member replied, “If there really is a medical emergency than the object should be to save the mother without harming the child. If, as it often occurs, the child does not survive the procedure, then it is not really an abortion. An abortion as such is the purposeful taking of the life of a human being within the womb of the mother.”

One illustration comes from the unfortunate yet rare problem of ectopic pregnancies. Procedures to solve this problem, when done without the intent to kill the children, are not abortions. Despite the lies of the left, the pro-life movement genuinely cares for the mother and child alike.

Purity is the Answer

When engaging in such conversations, the members and volunteers try to drive home a simple point. As one member stated in response to a University of Houston student, “What we really need to promote in order to solve the problem of abortion, is purity!” He explained that only a society that embraces sexual purity will end abortion. Unfortunately, most modern young people prefer to be irresponsible with their bodies. Then, if they conceive a child, these same people seek ways to avoid the consequences of their actions.

Abortion feeds this culture of immorality by offering a free ticket out of responsibility. Ironically, this immoral attitude fosters rape, the very crime the abortion supporters use to justify abortions. In the criminal’s eyes, the physical consequences of his actions are much reduced if the woman can easily get rid of the “problem.” Only purity will truly solve the sin of abortion.

 Victory is Certain with God

Before ending the four-hour-long campaign, everyone turned to God by praying the rosary. “The rosary,” one participant commented, “always keeps us focused on the reason for the pro-life fight. Our Lord is the source of all virtue and only by turning to Him and His Blessed Mother can we be certain of victory.” The members and volunteers displayed this conviction while raging liberals tried everything to discourage them. May this flame of courage never fade.


Catholic Texans Take a Stand Against Drag Queen Mockery of Christmas

January 3, 2025

By William Gossett In the heart of downtown Houston, Texas, Christmas carols on the bagpipes could be heard reverberating off the skyscrapers along with slogans such as, “If you love America, keep Christ in Christmas!” The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) co-sponsored the event with TFP-Texas. Many local supporters […]

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Lafayette Locals Campaign to Keep Christ in Christmas

January 3, 2025

By Joseph Dunlap Christmas Eve finds countless people anxiously awaiting the dawn of the following day. However, how many people truly remember Him who was born in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago? How many keep Christmas simply as another holiday instead of a great, holy day? Lafayette Locals Keep Christ in Christmas Thankfully, this […]

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TFP Call to Chivalry Camp: Hungary’s Great Catholic Heroes Teach “Advance Always! Retreat Never!”

December 10, 2024

By Kevin Roman From November 18-22, young Catholic boys from across the country participated in the Call to Chivalry Fall Camp held at the White Buffalo Resort in rural Arkansas. The event was organized by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and Tradition, Family, Property–Louisiana. This year’s theme focused […]

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Time to Stop Transgender Tyranny at the University of Louisiana

November 26, 2024

By Joseph Dunlap When a Twenty-year-old was invited to speak on campus, some activists at the University of Louisiana—Lafayette, hoped to shut her down. On November 8, Tradition, Family, Property (TFP) —Louisiana received an email asking for help and quickly mobilized to allow her to speak. “Gender Affirming Care” is Harmful The speaker was Chloe […]

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The Devil’s Final Battle: TFP Author Uncovers the Truth about the Homosexual Movement

November 12, 2024

By Joseph Dunlap On October 22, 2024, TFP author Jose Antonio Ureta spoke in Lafayette, Louisiana, at the headquarters of Tradition, Family, and Property – Louisiana. He introduced his book, The Breached Dam – The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement, as part of a speaking tour throughout Texas and Louisiana. The book outlines […]

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Catholics Make Reparation for Katy Church “Pride Festival”

November 2, 2024

By Alvaro Morales On October 19, 2024, a group of faithful Catholics gathered at the side of the road to oppose a “pride” event hosted by a group that calls itself “First Christian  Church.” Among the protesters were a contingent from Tradition, Family, Property-Texas. This church drew controversy in September 2022 for organizing an “All-Ages […]

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Co-Author of The Breached Dam Shows How Fiducia Supplicans Breaks with Church Teaching

November 1, 2024

By Kevin Roman In light of the Synod on Synodality and the Vatican document Fiducia Supplicans, concerned Catholics from all over the Houston area gathered on October 16 for a special talk to better understand and oppose the subversion of the homosexual agenda inside the Church. Tradition, Family and Property-Texas (TFP) and America Needs Fatima […]

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Louisiana Is Part of 22,662 Public Square Rosary Rallies Across America

October 18, 2024

By Joseph Dunlap On Oct. 12, 2024, Public Square Rosary Rally Captains held 22,662 rosary rallies in communities from coast to coast. Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana joined in this effort with rallies in the Pelican state and Texas. The annual event is a project of the America Needs Fatima, which is a campaign of the American Society […]

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Pro-Life March in Texas: “Even After Roe, the Fight for Life is Not Over”

October 9, 2024

By Kevin Roman On October 5, 2024, hundreds of pro-lifers spent their Saturday morning attending the 17th annual March of the Surviving Youth in Houston, Texas. The theme of this year’s march was: “Even post-Roe, the fight for life is not over until every baby everywhere is safe from abortion.” Catholics March Against the Culture […]

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After Roe v. Wade’s Demise: Abortion is Still a Life or Death Battle on Campus

October 9, 2024

By Joseph Dunlap “Where are the all the women?” and other baseless arguments greeted the full-time volunteers of Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana (TFP-LA) as they set up their pro-life campaign just outside the University of Louisiana in Lafayette on September 30, 2024. Hoping to catch the lunch break rush, the local volunteers raised the heraldic TFP […]

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Cajuns Want the Ten Commandments: Strong Support in Acadiana after Louisiana Law Passes

July 25, 2024

By William Gossett Under threat of heavy rainfall and severe thunderstorms, Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana (TFPLA) continued its southern caravan in defense of the Ten Commandments. On July 22, the TFPLA volunteers pressed forward and took to the streets of Biloxi, Mississippi. Thumbs up and enthusiastic honks filled the air. Later that same day, the caravan […]

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Alabamans Proclaim the Fifth Commandment: Thou Shall Not Kill!

July 25, 2024

by John Paul Tomba Day two of the caravan of Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana (TFPLA) was exciting. From a Convent to the Streets Our group of young activists was appearing in the public square in defense of the Ten Commandments.  The morning of July 22 found us in the Convent of the Sisters of […]

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TFP Launches Caravan in the South to Defend the Ten Commandments

July 21, 2024

by William Gossett The Ten Commandments are now at the center of a raging debate in American society. Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry recently signed a bill that calls for displaying these God-given rules in every public school building and classroom in the state. Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana (TFPLA) is kicking off its Southern caravan […]

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St. Joan of Arc’s Timely Example Rallies her Faithful in the Crescent City

June 10, 2024

by Joseph Dunlap On May 30th, Catholics around the world celebrate the feast day of the Pure Maid of France who defeated invading armies, saw the Crowning of the King, and suffered Martyrdom. With confidence in her heavenly mission, St. Joan of Arc did not hesitate to sacrifice her entire life in the defense of […]

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A Beacon of Hope Radiates At TFP-Louisiana’s Call to Chivalry Camp In the Ozarks

November 24, 2023

by Joseph Gensens Nestled among the splendorous red and gold leafed hills of the Arkansas Ozarks, and beneath a towering cliff where eagles soar, nearly 30 boys gathered from around America for a camp unlike any other. The boys weren’t coming to fish, play sports or enjoy the great outdoors. They came for something far […]

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Louisiana Catholics Say “No” to Halloween Blasphemy

September 26, 2023

by Cesar Franco   On September 24, 2023, around 20 Catholics gathered in the late afternoon to pray, protest, and make public reparation for a Halloween blasphemy that made national headlines near Metairie, Louisiana. The peaceful protest was organized by Tradition, Family, Property (TFP)—Louisiana. News reports describe the public blasphemy in the following terms: “[The] […]

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In Houston, Talk on Synod Draws a Crowd of Concerned Catholics

September 12, 2023

Concerned Catholics from all over the Houston area gathered on August 28 for a special talk on October’s Synod on Synodality in Rome. Tradition, Family, Property (TFP) and America Needs Fatima sponsored the event at the downtown Coronado Club, which included a book launching and reception. TFP Vice President John Horvat delivered the talk “How […]

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Satanic Rock Band ‘Ghost’ Faces Protests in The Woodlands, Texas

September 7, 2023

 by Cesar Franco On September 2, volunteers with Tradition, Family and Property—Texas and America Needs Fatima led over seventy prayer warriors in a Rosary rally protest against the openly Satanic rock band Ghost. The band’s songs mock and blaspheme Our Lord, Our Lady and the beliefs of the Holy Catholic Faith. Its members often perform […]

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TFP Call to Chivalry Camp turns Catholic boys into Knights of Christ

July 16, 2023

By Nathan Kinley and Thomas Drake In today’s modern world, young Catholic boys are under attack. They are constantly exposed to woke ideology and sin by the entertainment industry, LGBT fanatics, and Marxists. They are being pushed to deny their Catholic Faith every day by nearly every institution. There is no running from these attacks […]

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Louisiana Rosary Rally in Remembrance of Those Who Gave Everything

June 13, 2023

The Public Square Rosary in Lafayette over the Memorial Day weekend was for those brave soldiers who gave their lives for America. Listen to a song from our own music studio in Louisiana. Similar to a medieval ballad, it is a tribute to Navy SEAL Michael A. Monsoor, who sacrificed his life to save his […]

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Tea with the Queen of Heaven and Earth

June 13, 2023

by Thomas Drake My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior Because He hath regarded the humility of his handmaid: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because He that is mighty hath done great things to me, and holy is His name. (The Magnificat […]

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Aiming for Christendom at TFP-Louisiana Conference

February 21, 2023

by Return To Order In an atmosphere of much faith and confidence, Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana held its 2023 Regional Conference at its headquarters in Lafayette, Louisiana, on February 18. Over 80 friends and supporters came from throughout the state and neighboring Texas. They displayed a determination to fight for the Church come what may. The […]

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“Drag Queen Bingo” for Children Draws Hundreds of Protesters

September 28, 2022

By John Paul Tomba On September 24, 2022, hundreds of protesters gathered in several groups in front of the “First Christian Church” in Katy, Texas to protest a “Drag Queen Bingo” event for children. The Church held the abominable show to raise money for clothing for children whose parents opposed their “gender transition.” TFP-Texas brought […]

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Spirited Protest Against Grooming of Children in Katy, Texas

September 21, 2022

by Cesar Franco On Sunday Morning, September 18 around fifty-five people gathered outside of the “First Christian Church” to protest an upcoming event called Drag Queen Bingo. The group’s website and Facebook page advertise the September 24 event as suitable for “all ages.” The Grooming of the Next Generation? Similar “Drag” events, especially story hours […]

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A New Crusade To Fight Against The Sin Of Abortion

August 12, 2022

by Cesar Franco From July 16 through August 1, young volunteers with The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) campaigned throughout the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama against the sin of abortion. With the reversal of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court, their message was simple: […]

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St. Joan of Arc Honored by Catholics in New Orleans

June 4, 2022

by William Gossett In a display of public honor, nearly fifty Catholics – including two priests- gathered around the historical monument of Saint Joan of Arc in the French Quarter of New Orleans on her feast day, May 30. This yearly rosary rally is an important means of reparation and a reminder of what occurred […]

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Catholics Prayerfully Protest Texas Library Association Conference Featuring Drag Queen

May 31, 2022

by William Gossett   Over 40 deeply concerned Catholics gathered outside the Convention Center in Fort Worth, Texas, on April 25, 2022, to prayerfully protest the Texas Library Association’s annual conference that featured a “Drag Queen Story Time.”   The Texas Library Association is the largest state library association in the U.S., and librarians from […]

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