By Joseph Dunlap
An Infant was born over 2000 years ago in a lowly stable. Despite that Child’s apparently humble origins, three kings traveled great distances to welcome him with Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. That Divine Infant was Our Lord Jesus Christ, coming to redeem humanity through His passion and death.
How many kings, presidents, or other leaders of nations would travel so far to adore Our Lord if He were born today?
Modern society separates Christmas from the Divine Infant. The Nativity no longer crowns the winter season but has degenerated into a popular festivity often abbreviated as Xmas. Store employees greet shoppers with Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Even in this holy season, the father of lies weasels his way into State Capitols in the form of satanic “holiday” displays.
Indeed, evidence of our society’s rejection of God surrounds us. Nonetheless, one thing is certain: Our Lord is constantly exposed to scorn and mockery when he deserves to be worshipped and adored. The travels of Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar provide perfect examples of the lengths we should be willing to walk to give appropriate honor to the King of Kings.
TFP Three Kings Celebration
To commemorate this beautiful event, over sixty people joined members of TFP-Louisiana at their Lafayette center in the heart of Acadiana on January 12, 2024.
The celebration began with the centuries-old tradition of chalking the doors with the initials of the Three Kings flanked by the new year – “20 + C + M + B + 25.” This ancient practice and the sprinkling of Holy Water throughout the house reminds us of Divine Providence, whose blessings we ask for the new year.
The Piñata is a Religious Symbol
Although this ceremony was the most meaningful moment of the afternoon, participants filled the majority of our time together with Christmas caroling, food, and piñatas for the children.
Many mistakenly think the piñata is just an amusement for young ones. However, it originally served as a method for passing on truths of the Faith. TFP member Mr. Cesar Franco introduced them, saying, “The traditional piñata is round and studded with seven horns adorned with shiny tassels. The seven horns represent the seven deadly sins, while the shiny tassels give off a shimmer that attracts the eye like the pleasures of this world. The person is usually spun around several times and is blindfolded to show that only with Faith can evil be overcome. The wooden rod, usually used to break open the piñata, represents Christian virtue, with which we can effectively combat the enticements of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Even the candy can represent two things: the reward of Heaven or the short-lived pleasures of this world.”
The three piñatas were dispatched with gusto by the many enchanted children present. The enduring lesson is that everyone should attack sin with the same enthusiasm.
The Three Kings Arrive
The Three Kings themselves also made an appearance. As soon as the tune of Silent Night slowly died away, a voice cried out, “Lead on Sir Knight!” and the notes of We Three Kings came strong and clear.
A knight in shining armor solemnly led an entourage of Three Kings dressed in flowing Eastern garb to the indoor Nativity scene nearby. After offering their gifts to the King of Kings, they joined the crowd, throwing golden chocolates to the children.
Everyone’s grins widened as the Magi arrived, and the Christmas carols became more meaningful. The Three Kings’ arrival defined the event, reminding everyone of the reason for the season.
Christmas Carols Have an Angelic Effect
For many, the Christmas carols are doubtless the highlight of the celebration. Every year, many comment. One lady exclaimed, “Even with all the other wonderful events, just singing Christmas carols with so many other people brings so much hope and gladness.”
Music is a mighty instrument, affecting every person for better or worse. One of the TFP members remarked, “We always sing traditional Christmas carols at these events, because they seem to have an angelic effect on us, lifting our minds to higher things.” Who knew something as simple as a Christmas carol could produce so happy a change in people?
After enjoying the excellent dishes contributed by the generous attendees, the event closed with the sunset. May the graces received that day remind us to imitate the virtues of the Three Kings!