In face of coronavirus panic and civil unrest, Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana has joined the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) in launching a special campaign called, “Mary, Mother of Mercy, Restore America.”
Many people feel helpless and have been asking themselves if there is anything that can be done in our current situation.
As a solution to the crisis, TFP-Louisiana is actively promoting a nationwide prayer effort. Rosary rallies will be held at every State Capitol in the nation for a special intention: America’s urgent return to order.
The first 2 caravans launched at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine, Florida
Dozens of volunteers will spend the whole summer traveling to the different State Capitols. These “caravans” will travel approximately 26,000 miles praying that God in His Mercy, may restore America.
Starting June 3, the first 2 caravans have already begun traveling through the South and South-East of the country, visiting key cities and historic sites.
Two more caravans comprised of volunteers from Louisiana and Texas will be launching from Lafayette, Louisiana on June 16.
To carry out this bold plan, we need your help to send our young volunteers all over the country, making a public statement that we need a return to order.
You can help TFP-Louisiana to cover this vast country with a message of calm, courage, and hope through the recitation of the Holy Rosary.
While a liberal and revolutionary agenda seeks to implement a more socialist, egalitarian, ecological world, Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, needs to be our guiding light and source of calm amidst the raging chaos now threatening the country.
To help TFP-Louisiana stay on the road, please consider donating a tank of gas. With an intense travel schedule, our fifteen-passenger vans consume about one tank of gasoline per day. A gift of a full tank will keep us going for 396 miles.
May Our Lady reward you for your generosity and bless you with an abundance of graces!
Click here to donate a tank of gas to support the 50 State Rosary Tour to Restore America