By Joseph Dunlap

On Oct. 12, 2024, Public Square Rosary Rally Captains held 22,662 rosary rallies in communities from coast to coast. Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana joined in this effort with rallies in the Pelican state and Texas.

The annual event is a project of the America Needs Fatima, which is a campaign of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP). The rallies are held on the Saturday closest to the day of the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima on October 13, 1917.

Prayer, Sacrifice and Amendment of Life

Our Lady of Fatima revealed a message that called for prayer, sacrifice, and amendment of life as a means to convert the world. She predicted World War II and a greater chastisement should humanity continue to sin. Today’s moral decay can be seen in the prevalence of abortion, homosexual vice, transgenderism, the crisis in the Church and much more. All these sins cry out to Heaven for justice.

22,662 Rosaries for America

For these reasons, over 22,000 Public Square Rosary Rallies were held in America on October 12.

Among the many rallies in Louisiana, the city of Lafayette had at least four public displays of Faith. It was quite a sight to drive throughout the town encountering these groups of faithful Catholics praying for America. Some parishes like Our Lady of Fatima and St. Pius X Catholic Church sponsored groups who withstood the hot rays of the noonday sun to pray at their rallies.

Lepanto Proves the Power of the Rosary

The closeness to October 13 had another significance. On this day in 1571, the Turkish Muslim fleet was crushed in a bloody battle by a much smaller Catholic force with the aid of the Holy Rosary. Having in mind this powerful testimony to the power of the rosary, volunteers of TFP-Louisiana joined two other Rosary Rallies for America in face of a very responsive public.

At the intersection of Johnston Street and E. University Avenue, TFP-Louisiana volunteer Elias Bartel led one eventful rosary rally with much support. He said, “With just one Honk for America sign, I didn’t know how the public would respond, but they really exceeded my expectations.” Throughout the rosary, the car horns could be heard melding with the Hail Marys. Many smiling faces revealed their joy at seeing the rally. One family even joined the rally spontaneously. They were happily surprised to run into it. They prayed until the end and thanked Elias for holding the rally, as it is needed now more than ever.

Such reactions indicated that many Americans yearn for these public displays. They are impressed when they find Catholics who boldly present their faith in the public square.

More Rosary Rally Captains Each Year

Volunteers of TFP-Louisiana also joined a later rally on the sidewalk facing Ambassador Caffery Parkway, just outside of Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.

Each year, new rally captains sign up and find new places to hold their events. This was the first time a rally was held near Our Lady of Lourdes—and it will not be the last. Twenty participants including a Catholic priest in full traditional cassock stood out. Even without any honk signs to encourage the public, many still showed their support with waves, honks, and smiles. After the Rosary, the priest gave the crowd a blessing with holy water to end the rally.

As at Lepanto May Victory Come Soon

These events were only two of the 22,662 rallies across the country praying for a conversion of America, confiding in Our Lady as at Lepanto. There are so many intentions for which to pray—the end of abortion, the problems of education and other moral issues. Efforts like these massive rallies weigh heavily before heaven to hasten to the aid of those who defend the faith. May they hasten the triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.



By Kevin Roman

On October 5, 2024, hundreds of pro-lifers spent their Saturday morning attending the 17th annual March of the Surviving Youth in Houston, Texas.

The theme of this year’s march was: “Even post-Roe, the fight for life is not over until every baby everywhere is safe from abortion.”

Catholics March Against the Culture of Death

Starting at a local church, the pro-life crowd marched to a Planned Parenthood center, known as the largest abortion facility in Houston. The rally peacefully prayed the Holy Rosary and sang hymns to Our Lady. It was a symbolic gesture and an act of reparation for the innocent lives lost to the horrors of abortion and the impure culture, which generated it.

Members of the Tradition, Family and Property-Texas (TFP) participated in the event, encouraging and exhorting pro-lifers to continue the battle to eliminate abortion in America and return to a Christian order.

Pro-Life is Young and Vibrant

Everywhere young people and families were proof that the pro-life crusade is far from over. In stark contrast, pro-abortion counter-protesters were nowhere to be found.

Two young altar boys led the rally with two crucifixes in hand followed by four young men carrying a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Other banners and images to saints, Our Lady and Our Lord were found throughout the march.

The March Grows in Size and Determination

The Catholic Organization of Life (COOL) organized the event. Gabriel Rivas, current president of COOL commented: “I am happy with this year’s turnout. We have to keep on fighting for life and especially keep praying the rosary.”

“Some like to say that the overturning of Roe v. Wade erases the need for marches,” said TFP volunteer Anthony Atilano. “They are completely wrong. This is the time to redouble our efforts. We will only stop marching when procured abortion is eliminated in America!”

With this march, the young crowd pressed the attack for life resolving to stay in the field until procured abortion becomes unthinkable and God and His Blessed Mother are loved and obeyed.

Catholics will March till the End

Now is not the time to be discouraged but rather to courageously march forward. The great victory in overturning Roe v. Wade is an example of what can be achieved. It shocked the world and proved that unlikely victories are possible. However, it is only the beginning. Much more can be expected if people trust in God and continue to bring the fight for the culture into the public square.

May Our Lady present our prayers before the throne of God and hasten the day when procured abortion will finally be made unthinkable in America.


By Joseph Dunlap

“Where are the all the women?” and other baseless arguments greeted the full-time volunteers of Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana (TFP-LA) as they set up their pro-life campaign just outside the University of Louisiana in Lafayette on September 30, 2024.

Hoping to catch the lunch break rush, the local volunteers raised the heraldic TFP Standard around noon. Although the campus was a bit sleepy, the campaign attracted attention from both sides.

Waking up the Campus

After all, the campaign had many elements to wake up the campus. It is not everyday that people see young men standing on the street corner, booming out pro-life slogans. At the intersecitons, drivers found large signs that read, “Honk Against Abortion” and “Honk, Defend Innocent Life.” The campaign fulfilled its purpose of raising awareness about the pro-life issue. It encouraged the good and debunked the culture of death.

Slogans like “Smile! You Survived Abortion!” and “Eagle Eggs are Protected! Yet Unborn Babies are Rejected! Why the Double Standard!” brought much applause from the good and foul words from those defending the evil of procured abortion.

“Where are all the Women?”

One woman screamed an expletive at a volunteer who offered her a pro-life flyer. Kevin, the volunteer, replied that insults are not arguments and queried whether she had any arguments to back up her obviously pro-death stance. She responded with the all-too-common question, “Where are all the women?” which implied that men have no say on the issue.

However, he shot back a question of his own, “Well, if men have no say, then what about the seven male justices in the Supreme Court who approved abortion in Roe v. Wade? What do you think about that?” She had no reply and stormed off in a rage.

Abortion is a Moral Issue

Indeed, whether women are physically present at a protest against procured abortion is irrelevant. It is not a women’s issue, but a moral issue that everyone must take a position. It takes a father and a mother to bring forth life, so men and women have the duty to defend innocent life.

No one has the right to murder.

Even Truth is Denied by the Pro-Abortion Advocates

Another pro-abortion female advocate on her bicycle went even farther, by denying that truth exists. The volunteer explained that abortion is still wrong even in the tragic cases of rape, since the innocent child had no part in the crime.  She tried to brush all argument aside saying, “There really is no absolute truth! Everyone can believe whatever they want!”

To this the volunteer replied, “Of course there is absolute truth! Can 2 + 2 ever equal anything but 4?” She replied saying that the example was different and cycled off with dismay.

Acadiana Supports Pro-Life

Throughout all this, the pro-life honking was near constant as enthusiasm for the campaign brought many passersby to thank the volunteers for their work. A man on his bicycle stopped at each volunteer shaking hands exuberantly and said for all to hear, “I can’t just go by without thanking you for what you’re doing. You are saving souls and may God bless you substantially for that!”

Another woman showed her support while telling the volunteers, “It’s so good to see young men doing this!” Indeed, the norm is for young men to praise abortion since it frees them from the consequences of their actions.

Real men don’t act irresponsibly; they defend innocent life.

The Real Answer to Abortion is Purity

Yet another lady conversed with a volunteer from her car window. “Abortion is completely wrong and the government’s policies are only part of the problem!” The volunteer replied, “That is exactly why we are here! The real problem starts at home and these people are getting ready to start families, so they need to hear this!”

When she agreed, the volunteer continued, “The real answer to abortion is purity. All other solutions are like so many towels hoping to wipe up the water without turning off the faucet.” The lady in the car replied enthusiastically “Amen! Amen!”

Victory is Assured with Heaven’s Aid

After a good two hours of campaign and hundreds of pro-life honks, the TFP-LA volunteers ended the day by praying three Hail Mary’s for the success of the pro-life crusade. No battle can be won without the aid of God, His Mother, and the saints. With their help, the victory is assured.

Follow God’s Banner

If you ever see a large red standard with a golden rampant lion surrounded by young men proclaiming the truth, please join as there are never enough volunteers to fight under the banner of God on the moral issues plaguing the country today.


Cajuns Want the Ten Commandments: Strong Support in Acadiana after Louisiana Law Passes

July 25, 2024

By William Gossett Under threat of heavy rainfall and severe thunderstorms, Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana (TFPLA) continued its southern caravan in defense of the Ten Commandments. On July 22, the TFPLA volunteers pressed forward and took to the streets of Biloxi, Mississippi. Thumbs up and enthusiastic honks filled the air. Later that same day, the caravan […]

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Alabamans Proclaim the Fifth Commandment: Thou Shall Not Kill!

July 25, 2024

by John Paul Tomba Day two of the caravan of Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana (TFPLA) was exciting. From a Convent to the Streets Our group of young activists was appearing in the public square in defense of the Ten Commandments.  The morning of July 22 found us in the Convent of the Sisters of […]

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TFP Launches Caravan in the South to Defend the Ten Commandments

July 21, 2024

by William Gossett The Ten Commandments are now at the center of a raging debate in American society. Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry recently signed a bill that calls for displaying these God-given rules in every public school building and classroom in the state. Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana (TFPLA) is kicking off its Southern caravan […]

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St. Joan of Arc’s Timely Example Rallies her Faithful in the Crescent City

June 10, 2024

by Joseph Dunlap On May 30th, Catholics around the world celebrate the feast day of the Pure Maid of France who defeated invading armies, saw the Crowning of the King, and suffered Martyrdom. With confidence in her heavenly mission, St. Joan of Arc did not hesitate to sacrifice her entire life in the defense of […]

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A Beacon of Hope Radiates At TFP-Louisiana’s Call to Chivalry Camp In the Ozarks

November 24, 2023

by Joseph Gensens Nestled among the splendorous red and gold leafed hills of the Arkansas Ozarks, and beneath a towering cliff where eagles soar, nearly 30 boys gathered from around America for a camp unlike any other. The boys weren’t coming to fish, play sports or enjoy the great outdoors. They came for something far […]

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Louisiana Catholics Say “No” to Halloween Blasphemy

September 26, 2023

by Cesar Franco   On September 24, 2023, around 20 Catholics gathered in the late afternoon to pray, protest, and make public reparation for a Halloween blasphemy that made national headlines near Metairie, Louisiana. The peaceful protest was organized by Tradition, Family, Property (TFP)—Louisiana. News reports describe the public blasphemy in the following terms: “[The] […]

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In Houston, Talk on Synod Draws a Crowd of Concerned Catholics

September 12, 2023

Concerned Catholics from all over the Houston area gathered on August 28 for a special talk on October’s Synod on Synodality in Rome. Tradition, Family, Property (TFP) and America Needs Fatima sponsored the event at the downtown Coronado Club, which included a book launching and reception. TFP Vice President John Horvat delivered the talk “How […]

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Satanic Rock Band ‘Ghost’ Faces Protests in The Woodlands, Texas

September 7, 2023

 by Cesar Franco On September 2, volunteers with Tradition, Family and Property—Texas and America Needs Fatima led over seventy prayer warriors in a Rosary rally protest against the openly Satanic rock band Ghost. The band’s songs mock and blaspheme Our Lord, Our Lady and the beliefs of the Holy Catholic Faith. Its members often perform […]

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TFP Call to Chivalry Camp turns Catholic boys into Knights of Christ

July 16, 2023

By Nathan Kinley and Thomas Drake In today’s modern world, young Catholic boys are under attack. They are constantly exposed to woke ideology and sin by the entertainment industry, LGBT fanatics, and Marxists. They are being pushed to deny their Catholic Faith every day by nearly every institution. There is no running from these attacks […]

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Louisiana Rosary Rally in Remembrance of Those Who Gave Everything

June 13, 2023

The Public Square Rosary in Lafayette over the Memorial Day weekend was for those brave soldiers who gave their lives for America. Listen to a song from our own music studio in Louisiana. Similar to a medieval ballad, it is a tribute to Navy SEAL Michael A. Monsoor, who sacrificed his life to save his […]

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Tea with the Queen of Heaven and Earth

June 13, 2023

by Thomas Drake My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior Because He hath regarded the humility of his handmaid: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because He that is mighty hath done great things to me, and holy is His name. (The Magnificat […]

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Aiming for Christendom at TFP-Louisiana Conference

February 21, 2023

by Return To Order In an atmosphere of much faith and confidence, Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana held its 2023 Regional Conference at its headquarters in Lafayette, Louisiana, on February 18. Over 80 friends and supporters came from throughout the state and neighboring Texas. They displayed a determination to fight for the Church come what may. The […]

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“Drag Queen Bingo” for Children Draws Hundreds of Protesters

September 28, 2022

By John Paul Tomba On September 24, 2022, hundreds of protesters gathered in several groups in front of the “First Christian Church” in Katy, Texas to protest a “Drag Queen Bingo” event for children. The Church held the abominable show to raise money for clothing for children whose parents opposed their “gender transition.” TFP-Texas brought […]

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Spirited Protest Against Grooming of Children in Katy, Texas

September 21, 2022

by Cesar Franco On Sunday Morning, September 18 around fifty-five people gathered outside of the “First Christian Church” to protest an upcoming event called Drag Queen Bingo. The group’s website and Facebook page advertise the September 24 event as suitable for “all ages.” The Grooming of the Next Generation? Similar “Drag” events, especially story hours […]

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A New Crusade To Fight Against The Sin Of Abortion

August 12, 2022

by Cesar Franco From July 16 through August 1, young volunteers with The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) campaigned throughout the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama against the sin of abortion. With the reversal of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court, their message was simple: […]

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St. Joan of Arc Honored by Catholics in New Orleans

June 4, 2022

by William Gossett In a display of public honor, nearly fifty Catholics – including two priests- gathered around the historical monument of Saint Joan of Arc in the French Quarter of New Orleans on her feast day, May 30. This yearly rosary rally is an important means of reparation and a reminder of what occurred […]

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Catholics Prayerfully Protest Texas Library Association Conference Featuring Drag Queen

May 31, 2022

by William Gossett   Over 40 deeply concerned Catholics gathered outside the Convention Center in Fort Worth, Texas, on April 25, 2022, to prayerfully protest the Texas Library Association’s annual conference that featured a “Drag Queen Story Time.”   The Texas Library Association is the largest state library association in the U.S., and librarians from […]

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Are the Russians on Board with the Fatima Message?

March 10, 2022

by John Horvat II The war in Ukraine has catapulted the Fatima Message into the center of discussions. The Mother of God’s mysterious 1917 references to Russia and its errors are the backdrop to the death toll and destruction in Ukraine: “If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace. […]

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America Should Uphold Justice and Help Ukraine Against Putin’s ‘Unjust War’

March 10, 2022

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) denounces and categorically condemns President Vladimir Putin’s unjust war against Ukraine and urges the Russian Federation to immediately return its troops to their barracks and indemnify the Ukrainian people for their losses. The American TFP commends President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people […]

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The End of History Just Ended

March 10, 2022

by John Horvat II In 1992, American political scientist Francis Fukuyama published his famous book, The End of History and the Last Man. The author asserted that the fall of the Iron Curtain marked a milestone of immense importance for the West. He claimed that the end of the Cold War was not just “the […]

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Abortion Must End, Say Young Louisiana Catholics

March 4, 2022

by Joseph Gensens Many people turned to look as the 18-foot tall lion-emblazoned standard of Tradition, Family and Property-Louisiana slowly moved in the breeze. In the background, the hymn “Hail Holy Queen” echoed down the street as hundreds of pro-lifers marched through Pineville, Louisiana. Their message for state leaders was clear: Abortion must come to […]

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Our Lady Leads From the Front: Dallas and Austin Marches for Life

February 16, 2022

by Joseph Gensens Through the swirling winds and blinding snow, the “Hail Mary” rang out as a group of young men strode determinedly forward, bearing upon their shoulders  a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Catholics will not rest until abortion is ended in this country. With Our Lady leading, members of Tradition, Family and […]

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Against the Blasphemous Film Benedetta, Catholics Cry “Enough is Enough!”

December 17, 2021

by Cesar Franco Public blasphemy is not free speech. Nor is defamation of what is holy… just artistic expression. When Paul Verhoeven’s latest movie, Benedetta, hit American theaters this month, it was already reeking with controversy in France and Italy. Benedetta by Dutch filmmaker Verhoeven was originally going to be called Virgin Mary.  No doubt […]

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What’s your Mission? Spreading the Faith or “Saving the Planet”

December 17, 2021

by Joseph Gensens Recent news headlines have been dominated by COP26, a climate change summit of world leaders in Glasgow, Scotland,  that was supposed to help solve the world’s climate change “crisis”. The leftist media did their best to show how today’s youth are concerned about the planet with copious coverage of  climate change protests.  […]

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Over 17,000 Public Rosary Rallies Worldwide Boldly Confront Culture Crisis

November 12, 2021

by William Gossett Over 17,000 Public Square Rosary Rallies took place worldwide on October 16th, heeding the request of Our Lady of Fatima to pray the rosary and ask pardon for the sins of mankind. These public acts of reparation took place from the large cities to even the smallest towns across America. Public Sin […]

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A Light Burns Brightly for the Future of Catholic Young Men in America

September 9, 2021

by Cesar Franco “By the rolls, quick, march!” With this order, the bagpipes and drums sound loudly as the half-awake young men rush to form outside their cabins for morning prayers. Preparing for the day’s spiritual battle, they pray the guardian angel prayer, the Saint Michael prayer and three Hail Marys for purity and a […]

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Fighting for A Worthy Cause At the Alamo

July 1, 2021

On June 27, TFP members and students campaigned for a return to order in America on the streets of San Antonio. Fortified by Mass and the reception of the Eucharist, they did battle with the forces of the leftist revolution. The students held up signs and banners decrying socialism in America, abortion and the radical […]

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