Controversy on Campus: A Pro-Life Event Stirs Emotions at the University of Louisiana – January 30, 2025
At the end of January, young volunteers with Tradition, Family, Property (TFP)—Louisiana carried the jubilant tone of Washington, D.C.’s famous March for Life to the South. They embarked on a weeklong tour to defend the right to life across Texas and Louisiana. January 30 found these intrepid young men engaging in a pro-life campaign at the University of Louisiana in Lafayette.
Three Kings’ Celebration: A Reminder to Honor the King of Kings – January 12, 2025
An Infant was born over 2000 years ago in a lowly stable. Despite that Child’s apparently humble origins, three kings traveled great distances to welcome him with Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. That Divine Infant was Our Lord Jesus Christ, coming to redeem humanity through His passion and death.
Lafayette Locals Campaign to Keep Christ in Christmas – December 24, 2024
Christmas Eve finds countless people anxiously awaiting the dawn of the following day. However, how many people truly remember Him who was born in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago? How many keep Christmas simply as another holiday instead of a great, holy day?
St. Joan of Arc’s Timely Example Rallies her Faithful in the Crescent City – May 30, 2024
On May 30th, Catholics around the world celebrate the feast day of the Pure Maid of France who defeated invading armies, saw the Crowning of the King, and suffered Martyrdom. With confidence in her heavenly mission, St. Joan of Arc did not hesitate to sacrifice her entire life in the defense of France, the first born daughter of the Church. All of this was achieved through the devotion she had to Our Lord, Our Lady, and the saints who she declared had never lied. St. Joan’s noble and holy example contrasted with many others of her time. Can we not say the same today?
Taking the Pulse on How the Public Sees the Police – July 25, 2020
Too often, the media portrays all police as monsters persecuting minorities. They also give the impression that everyone, especially black people, are anti-police. To answer the question of what people really think, 19 volunteers and friends of Tradition, Family, Property (TFP)-Louisiana took to the streets of Lafayette with pro-police signs and the rosary on July 25.
Taking a Stand Against the Sexual Revolution – July 17, 2020
On July 17-18, 2020, members of Tradition, Family, Property (TFP)-Louisiana united with activists from around the country in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The Ruth Institute’s Third Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution brought together a diverse crowd for both online and in-person presentations. Participants overcame the restrictions making travel more difficult to make the sacrifice to discuss the state of the nation’s culture war.
Nationwide Prayer Tour Sweeps Through Baton Rouge – June 13, 2020
This was the last stop of the first leg of the Mother of Mercy Caravan. TFP volunteers have been traveling the country, hoping to pray the rosary at each state capital for America’s return to order. Many friends of TFP-Louisiana joined the peaceful prayer rally that numbered over 40 people in total.
TFP Louisiana Commemorates Centenary of Saint Joan of Arc’s Canonization at New Orleans Event – May 30, 2020
Tradition, Family and Property—Louisiana hosted their annual commemoration of the feast day of Saint Joan of Arc at her monument in New Orleans, Louisiana. This year was extraordinary because it marked the hundredth anniversary of her canonization. Her gilded equestrian monument stands in the French quarter as a model of purity amid the sin and vice for which the neighborhood is known.
Prayer Warriors Honor a Model of Purity in New Orleans – May 30, 2019
Most People would not associate the French Quarter in New Orleans with Purity. However, this infamous neighborhood is home to a famous monument honoring someone renowned for the angelic virtue.
At the Monthly Pro-Life Luncheon in Lafayette – May 29, 2019
Three members from Tradition, Family, Property–Louisiana (TFP-LA) attended a pro-life luncheon at the Abacus Restaurant in Lafayette, Louisiana. The monthly event is put on by Louisiana Right to Life, and TFP-LA regularly attends.
First Sunday Talk: Apparitions of Saint Michael the Archangel – May 25, 2019
Tradition, Family, Property–Louisiana held its monthly First Sunday Talk at its New Orleans center. Speaker Ben Broussard spoke about little-known events in Catholic history. The topic was the apparitions of Saint Michael, the Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, who rarely appears to men. When he does, the presence of the great archangel remains for all ages.
Protesting Drag Queen Story Hour on Holy Saturday – April 20, 2019
In what should have been a time of rest for the staff, the New Orleans Public Library was open on Holy Saturday 2019. Worse yet, two branches hosted the Drag Queen Story Hour.
At the Good Friday Nine Churches Walk in New Orleans – April 19, 2019
The bright sunlight entered illuminating the stained glass. In New Orleans, known the world over for sin and debauchery, the light represented a stark contrast. As if God Himself were shining a beacon, these windows that were testaments of the faith of past generations preached a silent sermon to the multitudes, calling them back to the true path.
TFP Speaker Describes Amazing Holy Week Celebrations – April 7, 2019
Tradition, Family, Property -Louisiana held a First Sunday Talk for friends and supporters at its New Orleans center on April 7. TFP-LA Vice President Celso Costa gave a presentation about the spectacular Holy Week commemorations in Seville, Spain.
Protesting the Drag Queen Story Hour in New Orleans – April 6, 2019
Members and supporters of Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana signed an online petition insisting that the library cancel the event in which men masquerade as women and read stories to small children. The library refused to honor this request. Thus, on the day of the event, some 14 residents gathered to protest and offer an act of reparation for this attack on children’s innocence.
Rosary Rally Draws Support for Traditional Marriage in Lafayette – March 23, 2019
The nationwide Rosary Rallies were placed under the patronage of Saint Joseph, the protector of the Holy Family. The goal was to promote traditional marriage and in reparation for the sin of homosexuality. Throughout the recitation of the Holy Rosary, attendees easily captured the attention of passing traffic with the unmistakable “God’s Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman” banner. In addition, large vivid signs that read “Honk for Traditional Marriage” gave those in traffic a way to show support.
TFP Open House and Saint Joseph’s Altar in New Orleans – March 19, 2019
On Tuesday, March 19, members of TFP Louisiana hosted an inaugural Saint Joseph’s Altar at the TFP New Orleans center. Friends from the New Orleans area and beyond came to honor the Head of the Holy Family. Neighbors eager to see the altar came and went throughout the day.
Lady Day versus International Woman’s Day – March 8, 2019
Lady Day 2019 has come and gone this year, as Louisiana ladies joined many others from around the world this past March 8th to celebrate their dignity as a true lady.
Why Does Our Lady Weep? – March 3, 2019
TFP-Louisiana hosted the inaugural First Sunday Talk at its New Orleans center. The gathering served as a way to prepare for Lent in contrast to the Mardi Gras excesses. The talk focused on a poorly-known occurrence in the history of New Orleans. In July 1972, the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima miraculously wept human tears in the city.
Glimpses of the Spirit of France – Feb. 19, 2019
On a beautiful February Saturday afternoon, a Ladies’ Talk & Tea took place at the Tradition, Family, Property-Louisiana Acadiana center in Lafayette. An illustrated talk on The Spirit of France with lively observations from several of the 28 participants, preceded the French-themed Social Tea.
Rosary Rally Against Abortion in New Orleans East – Feb 16, 2019
On Saturday February 16, TFP Louisiana led a Rosary Rally Against Abortion in New Orleans East. This was held where Dr. Rashonda Dean wants to open an abortion facility. According to public records, she has already killed more than 15,000 babies through abortion. Her desire here is to have an abortion-only business.
Local Catholics Totally Reject Lafayette Drag Queen Story Time – Feb 3, 2019
The crowd that assembled on short notice surpassed the adults corralling a dozen poor children in a room inside the library. These events feature men dressed as drag queens who read stories to 3-6 year-old children. Local libraries nationwide are pressured to hold these story times as a way to introduce gender ideology into the mainstream. Concerned citizens have responded by protesting what they see as the corruption of children’s innocence in a public forum at taxpayer’s expense.
Marching for the Preborn in Alexandria – Feb 2, 2019
Tradition, Family Property – Louisiana joined thousands of dedicated pro-lifers participated at the annual Louisiana Life March in Alexandria
Why Liberalism and Socialism Hate the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception SO Much – Feb. 2, 2019
This was the topic of the latest Ladies Talk and Tea. It was held in Lafayette, the heart of Acadiana.
Louisiana Life March: Persevering in the Fight – Jan 26, 2019
The grounds of the State Capitol thronged with pro-lifers from near and far. Members of TFP Louisiana and America Needs Fatima distributed flyers and spoke with friends old and new on the need to persevere in the battle against abortion.
Winter Caravan 2019 Days 4 & 5 – Lafayette, March for Life Lake Charles – Jan 21 & 22
January 22, the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade found the TFP Caravanners at the University of Louisiana in Lafayette. The reaction was very similar. This time, the students walking to and from classes had to listen to the chorus of horns.
May Christ Bless This Home – Jan. 13, 2019
Despite threats of rain, more than 150 TFP-Louisiana supporters and friends arrived for the annual Epiphany Celebration and Open House at the TFP-Louisiana headquarters in Lafayette, La. on the afternoon of January 12, 2019. They came from both near and far, happy to join the festivities in honor of the birth of Christ.
“Drag Queen Story Time” Postponed Indefinitely Because of Protest – Oct. 7, 2018
Because of widespread protest, the Lafayette Public Library decided not to host the pro-homosexual “Drag Queen Story Hour” for toddlers. But instead of canceling the offensive program that targets children as young as 3, the library moved the event to South Louisiana Community College (SLCC). As the peaceful protest continued to grow, however, the college nixed plans to allow the event on campus.
Fighting Back Against Drag Queen Story Hour – Sept. 28, 2018
Gender fluidity. Cross-dressing. Pick your pronoun.
Ideas found only on liberal college campuses? Not anymore. The public library of Lafayette has these as official programming for children, shocking residents in this conservative part of Louisiana.
Fighting Abortion in Lafayette: “You Have a Good and Noble Cause” – July 25, 2018
We posted the last caravan report as we were about to jump out of the van for a campaign in front of the University Hospital of Lafayette, Louisiana. We were not disappointed at this new location. The intersection immediately became a deafening “honk fest” as the local Cajuns showed their support for the unborn.
Crusade for the Unborn Reaches Baton Rouge – July 23, 2018
Today we visited the Blessed Francis Seelos Shrine in New Orleans. From there, the TFP pro-life caravan left for Baton Rouge for our fourth day of campaign.
Pro Life Tour: “Hope in the Midst of Sin and Chaos” – July 22, 2018
After Sunday Mass, TFP volunteers drove to the National Shine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor to visit Our Lady’s miraculous statue, beseeching her to save our country from the scourge of abortion. After spiritually preparing for the day, we headed in to the city’s oldest neighborhood: the French Quarter.
Catholic Chivalry Shines at Louisiana Boys Camp – July 2018
What does it mean to be chivalrous?
The concept of Chivalry today has been stripped of its most sublime traits and reduced to the idea that one should open the door for a lady, which is certainly a part of it, but by no means complete. Chivalry is a serious and manly striving for self-discipline and spiritual perfection that can best be summed up in four words: “Death rather than dishonor.”
Catholics Protest Fr. James Martin Speaking at Loyola Commencment – May 12, 2018
Faithful Catholics gathered in front of New Orleans’ Superdome on May 12 in protest and reparation for the choice of pro-homosexual Jesuit Fr. James Martin as the commencement speaker for Loyola University’s graduation ceremony.
Rosary of Reparation in front of Superdome – May 12, 2018
We were more numerous than expected on Saturday! It’s true that many more Catholics should have been at the Superdome Rosary of Reparation. But with the short notice given of Fr. James Martin being the Loyola commencement speaker, plus the busy schedules we all contend with, some wondered if any Catholics would show up. By the grace of God, we showed up and to the greater glory of God.
May 12, 2018 – Fr. James Martin, S.J. is set to give the Commencement Speech for Loyola University at the Superdome in New Orleans
Pro-LGBT priest Fr. James Martin, S.J. is set to give the commencement speech for Loyola University at the Superdome in New Orleans on May 12th. Join faithful Catholics in a Rosary of Reparation. Rev. James Martin, S.J. should NOT be addressing students because he said Catholics should “reverence” homosexual “marriage”; supports transgenderism for children; favors homosexual kissing during Mass; called dissident, pro-homosexual nun a “saint”; and welcomed an award from group condemned by the USCCB.
Catholic Boys Prove that Chivalry is not Dead – July 2017
Louisiana Call to Chivalry Camp 2017: on the Offensive in the Culture War
As a counselor at this 7-day camp, held from June 29 to July 5 in Norwood, Louisiana, I witnessed how a new generation of young men are eager to embrace the Catholic ideals of chivalry and fight for the rights of the Church.
A Louisiana ‘Return to Order’ Conference – March 11, 2017
On March 11, 2017, the organization Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana held its 2017 Regional Conference at its headquarters in Lafayette, Louisiana. Close to eighty friends and supporters came from throughout the state and neighboring Texas. The theme for the event was “Return to Order: Preparing for the Centennial and America’s Fatima Future.”
Pure Goodness at Work – March 6, 2017
Last January 21, just a few days before the March for Life in Washington DC, there was another “March” in the nation’s capital. It was called The Women’s March on Washington DC. It shocked the world for its vulgarity, profanity and pro-abortion stance. They certainly did not represent my mother, my sisters, my nieces nor the immense majority of the American ladies I know.
Young TFP Volunteers Start Multi-State Prayer-Tour – July 16, 2016
On July 16, feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, TFP – Louisiana launched a two week caravan to spread the message of Our Lady of Fatima. With the rise of Satanism, transgenderism, Islam and no turn around in sight, Our Lady’s message of prayer, sacrifice and amendment of life has become all the more vital.
Boys Rediscover Catholic Heroes at TFP Camp in Louisiana – July 2016
By the grace of Our Lady, TFP Louisiana has just concluded the 15th annual Call to Chivalry Summer Camp in Louisiana. Over 50 young men, a handful of fathers and TFP volunteers were eager to confront the challenges and adventures that awaited them: an unforgettable seven-day program full of inspiring talks, exciting games, formative activities, and extraordinary graces.
Record Support for Real Marriage – Aug 5, 2015
As more undercover videos have been released showing how barbaric Planned Parenthood’s slaughter and selling of aborted baby parts really is, we must multiply our prayers and efforts to reverse the culture of death and make abortion unthinkable.
Report on Lafayette Public Square Rosary – July 25, 2015
TFP-Louisiana and America Needs Fatima held its usual end-of-the-month Public Square Rosary in Lafayette. Gathering peacefully each month for nearly six years to pray for the families of Acadiana, for Louisiana and the Nation, this month’s public Rosary was especially poignant because of the horrific shootings at the Grand Cinema last Thursday. Remembering especially the victims and their families in the Rosary, our signs invited the public to do the same.
Support for God’s Marriage [Video] – July 24, 2015
Today, TFP volunteers campaigned near the Cajun Dome at Congress and Bertrand, one of the busiest intersections in Lafayette, Louisiana. Once again the support witnessed for traditional marriage was really splendid. Police cars, trucks, pickups, almost everyone seemed to honk and agree that marriage should not be tampered with and that the U.S. Supreme Court has no business attempting to change the meaning of marriage which is based on human nature, not the wild and impure demands of the Sexual Revolution.
Young Crusaders in a World “Devastated and Without Honor” – Call to Chivalry 2015
Amidst the barrage of immorality and mediocrity in this post-modern society, 50 young men attended the 2015 TFP Call to Chivalry Summer Camp in Louisiana to learn about heroism, virtue and how to be true manly Catholics.
Tradition, Family, and Property Regional Conference – Lafayette, Lousiana – March, 2015
• “Return to Order: Understanding the Post-Modern World and Creating a Catholic Culture.”
• “The Importance of America’s Attraction for Heroism and the Sublime.”
• “Beyond the Bunker – Fighting Conservative Isolationism.”
These were the three topics that gathered close to 100 people at the TFP Regional Conference in Lafayette, Louisiana this past March.
The Battle of New Orleans and Our Lady of Prompt Succor, 1815-2015
The Mother of God Grants a Miraculous Victory – Jan 8
Nestled between dense swampland and the mighty Mississippi River on one side and the vast expanse of Lake Pontchartrain on the other lies the city of New Orleans. Spanish moss gently sways in the breeze from the live oaks lining the bayous, while alligators, brown pelicans, and choruses of bullfrogs make their homes nearby. The sweltering heat and the ever-present threat of hurricanes have long made this land, eight feet below sea level, appear inhospitable in the eyes of many.
No Piece of Cake: Building Castle Cakes for the Louisiana TFP Boys’ Summer Camps – Aug 2014
The last feature of every TFP boy’s summer camp is a castle cake, the finishing touch to the “medieval” banquet. The banquet often features a magnificent roasted pig, complete with an apple in its mouth. Louisiana style, the side dishes are just as well prepared and appetizing.
Victory for the Family: Pro – LGBT Ordinance Defeated in Louisiana – Aug. 28, 2014
A hush of expectation took over the room. The Baton Rouge Metro Council was now going to vote on whether to include “sexual-orientation” and something called “gender-identity” on the list of non-discriminatory city ordinances. Months of a well-oiled and well-financed PR offensive by the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender) lobby to pressure the city councilors of Louisiana’s Capital City to give privileged status to a chosen immoral behavior, was now at stake. It was to be one more success story for the national LGBT movement. Similar ordinances passed in Shreveport, LA in December, in Houston, TX in May, and in San Antonio, TX last September.
Overwhelming Pro-Life Support in Louisiana – July 2014
Fourteen volunteers with Tradition, Family and Property-Louisiana began their 10-day tour in defense of the unborn in New Orleans today. After participating in the Call to Chivalry camp, several young men requested to join the caravan as a means to put into practice the ideals of Chivalry they learned during the camp. It will be their first experience on such a public tour, which will reach major cities in Louisiana and Texas.
These Boys Serve God at a Call to Chivalry Camp – July 2014
The rain came down in thick sheets, pelting the windows. The young men at the TFP -Louisiana Call to Chivalry Camp continued to pray their rosary in the main room of the Feliciana Retreat Center in Norwood, Louisiana. Claps of thunder, lightning and the whistling wind suddenly caused a power outage sending the room into complete darkness.
TFP Louisiana Conference March 29, 2014
March 29, 2014, was a typical spring day in southern Louisiana, temperate and sunny, perfect for a lively gathering of concerned Catholics at Mary’s house, headquarters of TFP-Louisiana, in Lafayette. Supporters and friends from around Louisiana and neighboring states met for a one-day conference, featuring guest speakers from the American TFP headquarters in Pennsylvania, and Mr. Thomas Drake, TFP-Louisiana president.
Summer Camp Where Boys and Dads Discover Catholic Chivalry – July 2013
After a grueling lineup of competitive Medieval Games followed by a solemn rosary procession and sumptuous banquet, the annual ten-day TFP-Louisiana Call to Chivalry camp came to a close on July 10th.
A Call to Honor at the Call to Chivalry Spring Camp 2013
From April 1-4, a detachment of young men gathered at Fontainebleau State Park for the second TFP Louisiana Call to Chivalry Spring Camp near New Orleans. The joy of the Resurrection of Our Lord and His subsequent triumph over death permeated the ambience. The participants enjoyed a wide variety of games and talks.
Chivalry is Very Much Alive – July 2012
As author Paul Claudel aptly put it, “youth was made not for pleasure, but for heroism.”
With this spirit, dozens of young men attended the eleventh annual Call to Chivalry Camp in Louisiana sponsored by TFP – Louisiana. Each year a specific historic theme is woven into the event, providing real life examples of virtue to follow. The valiant Saints and crusaders of Poland and Lithuania offered ample inspiration this time.
TFP-LA First Call to Chivalry Spring Camp, March 9-11, 2012
In spite of the short duration of the camp, all returned home more on fire with devotion to Our Lady and the spirit of chivalry.
Lafayette Public Square Rosary Rally – Feb. 25, 2012
The Public Square Rosary Rally was held from 11:00 AM to noon at Johnston St. and University Ave. Under beautiful live oaks, 42 dedicated Catholics implored the Blessed Mother to shower graces upon America in an hour of dire need.
A Counter-Revolutionary Afternoon in Louisiana – Feb. 11, 2012
With one of the property’s majestic live oaks in the background, the 20′ red and gold campaign standard of the TFP is raised and the Nicene Creed is sung to start off the TFP-Louisiana 2012 Regional Conference. As in the two previous years, the day-long event was held at the organization’s headquarters in Lafayette. Some 50 dedicated Catholics from the Bayou and Lone Star states attended.
Louisiana Life March – Jan. 21, 2012
On January 21, 2012, TFP-Louisiana was once again pleased to join pro-lifers at Louisiana’s Life March. Starting at 9 a.m., the rally gathered at the historic old capitol building of Baton Rouge and processed about a mile to the current state capitol building at 10 a.m.
LSU Campaign – Jan 20, 2012
Interest was lively all day long. A total of 2,000 “5 Reasons Why Abortion is Evil” flyers and invitations to the Louisiana Life March were handed out
Louisiana Call to Chivalry Camp June 28 – July 7, 2011
Who should young Catholic men look up to as role models? Rock stars? Football players? Actors? At the annual Louisiana Call to Chivalry camp, boys are presented with true Catholic role models to admire and imitate.
TFP Volunteers Tour Louisiana to Oppose Socialism – July 2011
Today we got up at 6:30AM to get a good early start. We traveled in two vehicles to St. Patrick’s Church in downtown New Orleans, picking up several caravan participants on the way. After a delicious pizza lunch courtesy of a TFP supporter who met us at the church hall, we headed out to find a place for campaign. Arriving at the junction of Clearview Parkway and Veterans Blvd. at 2:30 with 17 volunteers we began our first campaign. The response was reasonably good. We displayed a large American flag, one TFP standard, two small standards, signs, and a three-man banner, reading: “May God protect America from socialism.”
TFP-Louisiana Regional Conference – Feb. 19, 2011
The TFP-Louisiana Regional Conference was held at the organization’s headquarters in Lafayette. Meetings began at 10am, broke for lunch, and continued until 6pm, being followed by further refreshments. As the living room and library open into each other they made for a wonderful meeting room. Over 40 people from Louisiana and Texas attended the day’s talks.
The Blessing of a Statue of Our Lady of Sorrows – Sept. 15, 2010
On September 15, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, friends gathered at the TFP-Louisiana center in Lafayette for the installation of an impressive, life-size statue of Our Lady of Sorrows. The day was forecast by the weatherman to be thoroughly hot and miserably humid, but it proved to be an agreeable afternoon.
Louisiana Call to Chivalry Camp June 27 – July 8, 2010
At every Call to Chivalry camp, participants do an all-night vigil praying before a relic of the True Cross asking the Blessed Mother for the grace to be a true and loyal Catholic.
Tea with the Queen – June 11-12, 2010
It’s just an ordinary day. You shuffle through your mail and see a nice official-looking envelope from Buckingham palace. There must be some mistake, you think. But no, it is addressed to you, and inside is a card with the Queens royal cipher and the words: The Lord chamberlain is commanded by Her Majesty to invite – and yes, that’s your name – to a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. Oh, my goodness!
Call to Chivalry Camp Recalls Heroism of Cristero Martyrs – July 2009
Blessed Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio was just 14 years old when he laid down his life for the Catholic Faith in the persecution-ravaged Mexico of the late 1920’s. “Long Live Christ the King!” were his last words. Over eighty years later, that battle cry sounded frequently among the teenagers at the Call to Chivalry Summer Camp for boys in Norwood, Louisiana, from June 30 to July 9, 2009. Forty-two Catholic young men from across the United States gathered to learn about the little-known Cristero Martyrs of Mexico and to participate in the adventure that is the TFP Call to Chivalry Summer Camp.
Catholic Action: Why the Need? – March 21 & 22, 2009
On March 21 and 22, Tradition, Family Property-Louisiana and America Needs Fatima held two regional one-day conferences in Louisiana centered on the theme of the need for Catholic action. The setting for the first conference was Grand Coteau, one of Louisiana’s charming historic towns.