Fighting for A Worthy Cause At the Alamo

July 1, 2021

On June 27, TFP members and students campaigned for a return to order in America on the streets of San Antonio. Fortified by Mass and the reception of the Eucharist, they did battle with the forces of the leftist revolution.

Fortified by Mass and the reception of the Eucharist, the caravan participants headed to the Alamo to fight for a worthy cause.

The students held up signs and banners decrying socialism in America, abortion and the radical homosexual ideology. They distributed flyers advocating the return to respect for Our Lord and for American moral tradition. They stood upon the storied ground where Davy Crockett and the heroic men of the Alamo gave their lives for the worthy cause of Texas independence.

In the face of immense adversity, they fight for America, the Church, Our Lady and a worthy cause.

Respect for a worthy cause was apparent in the encouragement, gratitude and support from the families of San Antonio. It seemed that having the Alamo in the heart of their city was a constant reminder of their Texas values. One member overheard a mother talking to her young daughter, and the daughter asked, pointing to the TFP standard and bagpipes “Mom, what are they doing? Are they selling something?” To which her mother responded “No, they’re fighting for a worthy cause.”

Participants of the caravan distributed flyers advocating the return to respect for Our Lord and for American moral tradition.

After the campaign, TFP members and students reflected on the fruits of their campaign in the face of an America swept by revolutionary ferment. Their conversation turned to the Alamo, and the two-hundred men who gave their lives and changed the course of history. Prior to the battle, their commander called them together and gave them the option to leave, warning that they would likely be called upon to give their lives if they stayed. In response, all decided to stay and ultimately, give their lives for a worthy cause.

Visitors to the Alamo from all parts of the world appreciated the campaign’s warning against socialism.

The world would say that they failed, but the people of Texas knew better. Through their sacrifice, they set a bold and heroic example that ultimately laid the fertile seed for a free Texas. Today, those engaged in a fight for a return to order strive to emulate their courage, will to fight and perseverance. In the face of immense adversity, they fight for America, the Church, Our Lady and a worthy cause.

In your kindness please keep the caravan in your prayers and consider supporting the caravan with a tank of gas.

By William Anderson

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