Street Campaigns
Controversy on Campus: A Pro-Life Event Stirs Emotions at the University of Louisiana – January 30, 2025
At the end of January, young volunteers with Tradition, Family, Property (TFP)—Louisiana carried the jubilant tone of Washington, D.C.’s famous March for Life to the South. They embarked on a weeklong tour to defend the right to life across Texas and Louisiana. January 30 found these intrepid young men engaging in a pro-life campaign at the University of Louisiana in Lafayette.
Leftist Provocateurs Fail to Disrupt the TFP’s University of Houston Pro-Life Rally – January 27, 2025
On January 27th, 2025, members of TFP-Texas kicked off their winter pro-life tour at the University of Houston.
Although TFP members and volunteers began the rally relatively routinely, it quickly heated up.
Time to Stop Transgender Tyranny at the University of Louisiana – November 11, 2024
When a Twenty-year-old was invited to speak on campus, some activists at the University of Louisiana—Lafayette, hoped to shut her down.
On November 8, Tradition, Family, Property (TFP) —Louisiana received an email asking for help and quickly mobilized to allow her to speak.
Pro-Life March in Texas: “Even After Roe, the Fight for Life is Not Over” – October 5, 2024
On October 5, 2024, hundreds of pro-lifers spent their Saturday morning attending the 17th annual March of the Surviving Youth in Houston, Texas. The theme of this year’s march was: “Even post-Roe, the fight for life is not over until every baby everywhere is safe from abortion.”
After Roe v. Wade’s Demise: Abortion is Still a Life or Death Battle on Campus – September 30, 2024
“Where are the all the women?” and other baseless arguments greeted the full-time volunteers of Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana (TFP-LA) as they set up their pro-life campaign just outside the University of Louisiana in Lafayette on September 30, 2024.
Cajuns Want the Ten Commandments: Strong Support in Acadiana after Louisiana Law Passes – July 25, 2024
Under threat of heavy rainfall and severe thunderstorms, Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana continued its Southern caravan in defense of the Ten Commandments. On July 22, the TFP volunteers pressed forward and took to the streets of Biloxi, Mississippi. Thumbs up and enthusiastic honks filled the air.
Alabamans Proclaim the Fifth Commandment: Thou Shall Not Kill! – July 25, 2024
Day two of the caravan of Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana (TFPLA) was exciting.
TFP Launches Caravan in the South to Defend the Ten Commandments – July 17, 2024
The Ten Commandments are now at the center of a raging debate in American society. Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry recently signed a bill that calls for displaying these God-given rules in every public school building and classroom in the state.
TFP at UT Austin: Keep America Free from Socialist Tyranny – April 1, 2019
On April 1, 2019, members of Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana distributed the flyer: Ten Reasons to Reject Socialism- Why We Must Protect the Family, Private Property and America from the Dangers of Socialism at the University of Texas at Austin.
Marching for the Preborn in Alexandria, LA – Feb 2, 2019
Tradition, Family Property – Louisiana joined thousands of dedicated pro-lifers participated at the annual Louisiana Life March in Alexandria
March for Life in Biloxi, MS – Jan 27, 2019
The event began at Nativity of Our Lady Cathedral in downtown Biloxi. After a rosary in the church, the March for Life proceeded through the streets to the Biloxi Lighthouse on the Gulf of Mexico.
Louisiana Life March: Persevering in the Fight – Jan 26, 2019
The grounds of the State Capitol thronged with pro-lifers from near and far. Members of TFP Louisiana and America Needs Fatima distributed flyers and spoke with friends old and new on the need to persevere in the battle against abortion.
Winter Caravan 2019 Day 9 – March for Life Austin – Jan 26
The last day of the pro-life caravan brought the battle to Austin, Texas. Upwards of eight thousand pro-life Texans assembled from all over the Lone Star state. Guest speakers addressing the crowd from the Capitol steps included Land Commissioner George P. Bush and His Excellency, Most Rev. Patrick Zurek, Bishop of Amarillo.
Winter Caravan 2019 Days 7 & 8 – Beaumont & Houston – Jan 24 & 25
The reaction of the public was stellar. In response to TFP “honk against abortion” signs, cars, trucks, and especially 18-wheelers, blared their very loud horns categorically affirming their repudiation of this moral evil. Smiles, thumbs up, and “thank you’s” were the norm. Cars waiting in line at the nearby Taco Bell drive-through would honk too.
Winter Caravan 2019 Day 6 – Hiking for Our Lady – Jan 23
Campaigning days on the road, one is reminded very quickly that man is not only soul but body as well. Soon muscles begin to cramp up, and sitting gets old very quickly. So with a van load of energetic young men, it is advisable to provide an opportunity to burn some energy. What better thing to do than an outdoor excursion?
Winter Caravan 2019 Days 4 & 5 – Lafayette, March for Life Lake Charles – Jan 21 & 22
January 22, the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade found the TFP Caravanners at the University of Louisiana in Lafayette. The reaction was very similar. This time, the students walking to and from classes had to listen to the chorus of horns.
Winter Caravan 2019 Day 2 – March for Life Arkansas – Jan. 19
After a good night’s rest in a sleeping bag on beds or the floor of a kind family, TFP-Louisiana caravanners attended Sunday Mass and then hit the road for Little Rock, AR.
Winter Caravan 2019 Day 1 – March for Life Dallas – Jan 18
On January 18, 2019, Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana kicked off an eight-day pro-life caravan in defense of the unborn. They could be seen at street intersections or in marches for life wearing their characteristic red capes and bearing their medieval standard of the same color with a rampant gold lion and the trilogy of “Tradition, Family, Property.” They also carried a banner saying, “Thou shall not kill. Stop abortion!”
Stop in Houston: Good vs. Evil Fault Line Visible in Abortion Debate – July 30, 2018
Today was the last day of our tour for the unborn. We campaigned in the downtown of Houston where we got both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. All-in-all it was a good campaign with the majority in support.
Pro-Abortionist: “I was a Tadpole in my Mother’s Womb” – July 28, 2018
Today we went back to the Alamo and had conversations with those walking around. Two TFP volunteers talked with a young lady who had questions about abortion in cases of rape or disability. One of the volunteers explained how, in the case of rape, the child should not receive the death penalty for the crime of his or her father.
Defending the Unborn at the Alamo – July 27, 2018
Today we traveled to San Antonio to campaign against abortion at the Alamo. Because this location is one of the few places with a lot of foot traffic, we were able to hand out more flyers, 10 Reasons to Defend the Unborn. The receptivity here was greater than in New Orleans.
Fighting Abortion in Lafayette: “You Have a Good and Noble Cause” – July 25, 2018
We posted the last caravan report as we were about to jump out of the van for a campaign in front of the University Hospital of Lafayette, Louisiana. We were not disappointed at this new location. The intersection immediately became a deafening “honk fest” as the local Cajuns showed their support for the unborn.
Crusade for the Unborn Reaches Baton Rouge – July 23, 2018
Today we visited the Blessed Francis Seelos Shrine in New Orleans. From there, the TFP pro-life caravan left for Baton Rouge for our fourth day of campaign.
Pro Life Tour: “Hope in the Midst of Sin and Chaos” – July 22, 2018
After Sunday Mass, TFP volunteers drove to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor to visit Our Lady’s miraculous statue, beseeching her to save our country from the scourge of abortion. After spiritually preparing for the day, we headed into the city’s oldest neighborhood: the French Quarter.
10 Day TFP Tour for the Unborn Begins in Alabama – July 2018
As the debate over the issue of abortion continues to divide the nation, a group of young TFP volunteers gathered in New Orleans, Louisiana, to begin a ten-day tour in defense of the sanctity of innocent human life. They will brave the sweltering heat, traveling to cities in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. Their road trip – commonly called a caravan – has been entrusted to the powerful patronage of The Three Archangels.
Over 850 Favorable Honks – July 24, 2016
We first went to the sanctuary of Chimayo to pray before the crucifix known as “the Christ of the Esquipulas“. This crucifix was miraculously discovered in the nearby sands by a monk named Bernardo Abeyta on Good Friday, 1810.
Saint Michael Prayer Tour Gets Steady Support in New Mexico – July 23, 2016
We prayed to our tour patron Saint Michael to bless our campaign in Santa Fe. During our visit to the mission, we saw an old Spanish bell dating back to the 1300’s. At that time, the Spanish were engaged in the Reconquista of their homeland against Muslim invaders. After the special assistance received from Saint Joseph to win victories against the Moors, the bell was made in gratitude to him. It was later brought by the Franciscans to Santa Fe. We were overjoyed, to say the least, to have the privilege to ring that same bell today.
Prayer Tour Passes Through North Texas – July 22, 2016
In Amarillo, we had an enthusiastic reception with at least 800 honks. As soon as we began the rally, three different men came to talk.
Rosary Prayer Tour Reaches Oklahoma – July 21, 2016
Eureka Springs is a small town in a beautiful part of Arkansas. The downtown area, however, is very liberal. We campaigned at a T-intersection where everyone going in or coming out of the city passes. The clear majority of drivers were very supportive.
Bringing Fatima to the Bible Belt – July 19 & 20, 2016
The next day, we headed on to the Fayetteville area of the state. We campaigned on a street corner in front of Wal-Mart’s national headquarters in Bentonville. Many Americans reacted favorably as they drove by. One police officer in Bentonville even asked if we needed water.
Policeman Tears up Seeing So Much Support – July 18, 2016
After arriving in Arkansas, the Saint Michael caravan did its first campaign in Conway. With the recent attacks on the police, we rallied the locals to support their law enforcement officers. The reaction of the public was overwhelmingly sympathetic, honking, waving, and giving thumbs up. We didn’t receive any negative gestures or words.
Young TFP Volunteers Start Multi-State Prayer-Tour – July 16, 2016
On July 16, feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, TFP – Louisiana launched a two week caravan to spread the message of Our Lady of Fatima. With the rise of Satanism, transgenderism, Islam and no turn around in sight, Our Lady’s message of prayer, sacrifice and amendment of life has become all the more vital.
Record Support for Real Marriage – Aug 5, 2015
As more undercover videos have been released showing how barbaric Planned Parenthood’s slaughter and selling of aborted baby parts really is, we must multiply our prayers and efforts to reverse the culture of death and make abortion unthinkable.
Defending Real Marriage in Tyler – July 29, 2015
The afternoon sun beat down relentlessly on the busy intersection. Above the din of car horns and semi-truck engines, the sound of bagpipes and singing drifted on the breeze. A group of 17 young men, gathered under an American flag, held signs which stated, “God’s Marriage = 1 man + 1 woman.”
Fighting for the Family in Fort Worth – July 25, 2015
The show of support for true marriage is overwhelming in Texas and the South in general. Since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, the American public has been opposing abortion. Every year, hundreds of thousands march for life all over the nation. Now, we are witnessing a similar attitude towards Obergefell vs. Hodges on the streets of Texas. People from all walks of life are indignant over the Supreme Court”s disdain for natural marriage and will not abandon the truth.
Support for God’s Marriage [Video] – July 24, 2015
Today, TFP volunteers campaigned near the Cajun Dome at Congress and Bertrand, one of the busiest intersections in Lafayette, Louisiana. Once again the support witnessed for traditional marriage was really splendid. Police cars, trucks, pickups, almost everyone seemed to honk and agree that marriage should not be tampered with and that the U.S. Supreme Court has no business attempting to change the meaning of marriage which is based on human nature, not the wild and impure demands of the Sexual Revolution.
Overwhelming Pro-Life Support in Louisiana – July 15, 2014
Fourteen volunteers with Tradition, Family and Property-Louisiana began their 10-day tour in defense of the unborn in New Orleans today. After participating in the Call to Chivalry camp, several young men requested to join the caravan as a means to put into practice the ideals of Chivalry they learned during the camp. It will be their first experience on such a public tour, which will reach major cities in Louisiana and Texas.
Traditional Marriage Crusade at Texas A&M University – April 22, 2013
On April 22 members and volunteers of TFP – Louisiana campaigned in defense of traditional marriage at Texas A&M University. The action commenced with the traditional three Hail Marys and the TFP battle cry, “Tradition, Family, Property – America.” Flyers titled 10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and Must be Opposed were politely handed to students.
The Silent Majority Honk Against Obamacare – Aug 2012
As the thermometer went to 105 degrees, we campaigned in downtown Mountain Home. The public, for the most part, was very supportive; the problem, as always, was the vocal minority that sought to disrupt our campaign. Besides the usual fingers and insults, one man tried to intimidate us into leaving the sidewalk. When TFP volunteer Elias Bartel pointed out that it was a public sidewalk and asked if he owned the sidewalk, the man left in a hurry.
Man Attacks TFP Volunteers and American Flag – July 17, 2012
Volunteers with Tradition Family and Property (TFP – Louisiana) were recently attacked in Little Rock during a peaceful rally against Obamacare and its HHS mandate. The incident occurred on July 17.
Austin March for Life – Jan. 28, 2012
10,000 Texan pro-lifers – coming from Victoria, Corpus Chrisi, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, etc – converged on the capital of the Lone Star State to express their rejection of Roe vs. Wade
Louisiana Life March – Jan. 21, 2012
On January 21, 2012, TFP-Louisiana was once again pleased to join pro-lifers at Louisiana’s Life March. Starting at 9 a.m., the rally gathered at the historic old capitol building of Baton Rouge and processed about a mile to the current state capitol building at 10 a.m.
LSU Campaign – Jan 20, 2012
Interest was lively all day long. A total of 2,000 “5 Reasons Why Abortion is Evil” flyers and invitations to the Louisiana Life March were handed out
Pushing Personhood to Repeal Roe v. Wade in Mississippi – Oct. & Nov. 2011
“The basic constitutional question initially is whether or not the unborn fetus is a person. That’s critical to this case, is it not?” said supreme Court Chief Justice burger during the Roe v. Wade court proceedings. “Could Texas, constitutionally, in your view, declare, by statute, that a fetus is a person for all constitutional purposes?” he asked.
Beaumont 40 Days for Life – Sept 29, 2011
Although the rally was at 7:00 AM, some 25 dedicated pro-lifers protested in front of the abortion clinic
TFP Volunteers Tour Louisiana to Oppose Socialism – July 2011
Today we got up at 6:30AM to get a good early start. We traveled in two vehicles to St. Patrick’s Church in downtown New Orleans, picking up several caravan participants on the way. After a delicious pizza lunch courtesy of a TFP supporter who met us at the church hall, we headed out to find a place for campaign. Arriving at the junction of Clearview Parkway and Veterans Blvd. at 2:30 with 17 volunteers we began our first campaign. The response was reasonably good. We displayed a large American flag, one TFP standard, two small standards, signs, and a three-man banner, reading: “May God protect America from socialism.”
Texans Reject Socialism – Aug. 2010
During the first two weeks of August, Texans have been treated to the rare site of students in the streets protesting against socialism. These students went to the streets in classic TFP style to alert the public to the serious dangers in the flawed reasoning promoted by socialism.