Louisiana Is Part of 22,662 Public Square Rosary Rallies Across America

October 18, 2024

By Joseph Dunlap

On Oct. 12, 2024, Public Square Rosary Rally Captains held 22,662 rosary rallies in communities from coast to coast. Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana joined in this effort with rallies in the Pelican state and Texas.

The annual event is a project of the America Needs Fatima, which is a campaign of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP). The rallies are held on the Saturday closest to the day of the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima on October 13, 1917.

Prayer, Sacrifice and Amendment of Life

Our Lady of Fatima revealed a message that called for prayer, sacrifice, and amendment of life as a means to convert the world. She predicted World War II and a greater chastisement should humanity continue to sin. Today’s moral decay can be seen in the prevalence of abortion, homosexual vice, transgenderism, the crisis in the Church and much more. All these sins cry out to Heaven for justice.

22,662 Rosaries for America

For these reasons, over 22,000 Public Square Rosary Rallies were held in America on October 12.

Among the many rallies in Louisiana, the city of Lafayette had at least four public displays of Faith. It was quite a sight to drive throughout the town encountering these groups of faithful Catholics praying for America. Some parishes like Our Lady of Fatima and St. Pius X Catholic Church sponsored groups who withstood the hot rays of the noonday sun to pray at their rallies.

Lepanto Proves the Power of the Rosary

The closeness to October 13 had another significance. On this day in 1571, the Turkish Muslim fleet was crushed in a bloody battle by a much smaller Catholic force with the aid of the Holy Rosary. Having in mind this powerful testimony to the power of the rosary, volunteers of TFP-Louisiana joined two other Rosary Rallies for America in face of a very responsive public.

At the intersection of Johnston Street and E. University Avenue, TFP-Louisiana volunteer Elias Bartel led one eventful rosary rally with much support. He said, “With just one Honk for America sign, I didn’t know how the public would respond, but they really exceeded my expectations.” Throughout the rosary, the car horns could be heard melding with the Hail Marys. Many smiling faces revealed their joy at seeing the rally. One family even joined the rally spontaneously. They were happily surprised to run into it. They prayed until the end and thanked Elias for holding the rally, as it is needed now more than ever.

Such reactions indicated that many Americans yearn for these public displays. They are impressed when they find Catholics who boldly present their faith in the public square.

More Rosary Rally Captains Each Year

Volunteers of TFP-Louisiana also joined a later rally on the sidewalk facing Ambassador Caffery Parkway, just outside of Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.

Each year, new rally captains sign up and find new places to hold their events. This was the first time a rally was held near Our Lady of Lourdes—and it will not be the last. Twenty participants including a Catholic priest in full traditional cassock stood out. Even without any honk signs to encourage the public, many still showed their support with waves, honks, and smiles. After the Rosary, the priest gave the crowd a blessing with holy water to end the rally.

As at Lepanto May Victory Come Soon

These events were only two of the 22,662 rallies across the country praying for a conversion of America, confiding in Our Lady as at Lepanto. There are so many intentions for which to pray—the end of abortion, the problems of education and other moral issues. Efforts like these massive rallies weigh heavily before heaven to hasten to the aid of those who defend the faith. May they hasten the triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.


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