After Roe v. Wade’s Demise: Abortion is Still a Life or Death Battle on Campus

October 9, 2024

By Joseph Dunlap

“Where are the all the women?” and other baseless arguments greeted the full-time volunteers of Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana (TFP-LA) as they set up their pro-life campaign just outside the University of Louisiana in Lafayette on September 30, 2024.

Hoping to catch the lunch break rush, the local volunteers raised the heraldic TFP Standard around noon. Although the campus was a bit sleepy, the campaign attracted attention from both sides.

Waking up the Campus

After all, the campaign had many elements to wake up the campus. It is not everyday that people see young men standing on the street corner, booming out pro-life slogans. At the intersecitons, drivers found large signs that read, “Honk Against Abortion” and “Honk, Defend Innocent Life.” The campaign fulfilled its purpose of raising awareness about the pro-life issue. It encouraged the good and debunked the culture of death.

Slogans like “Smile! You Survived Abortion!” and “Eagle Eggs are Protected! Yet Unborn Babies are Rejected! Why the Double Standard!” brought much applause from the good and foul words from those defending the evil of procured abortion.

“Where are all the Women?”

One woman screamed an expletive at a volunteer who offered her a pro-life flyer. Kevin, the volunteer, replied that insults are not arguments and queried whether she had any arguments to back up her obviously pro-death stance. She responded with the all-too-common question, “Where are all the women?” which implied that men have no say on the issue.

However, he shot back a question of his own, “Well, if men have no say, then what about the seven male justices in the Supreme Court who approved abortion in Roe v. Wade? What do you think about that?” She had no reply and stormed off in a rage.

Abortion is a Moral Issue

Indeed, whether women are physically present at a protest against procured abortion is irrelevant. It is not a women’s issue, but a moral issue that everyone must take a position. It takes a father and a mother to bring forth life, so men and women have the duty to defend innocent life.

No one has the right to murder.

Even Truth is Denied by the Pro-Abortion Advocates

Another pro-abortion female advocate on her bicycle went even farther, by denying that truth exists. The volunteer explained that abortion is still wrong even in the tragic cases of rape, since the innocent child had no part in the crime.  She tried to brush all argument aside saying, “There really is no absolute truth! Everyone can believe whatever they want!”

To this the volunteer replied, “Of course there is absolute truth! Can 2 + 2 ever equal anything but 4?” She replied saying that the example was different and cycled off with dismay.

Acadiana Supports Pro-Life

Throughout all this, the pro-life honking was near constant as enthusiasm for the campaign brought many passersby to thank the volunteers for their work. A man on his bicycle stopped at each volunteer shaking hands exuberantly and said for all to hear, “I can’t just go by without thanking you for what you’re doing. You are saving souls and may God bless you substantially for that!”

Another woman showed her support while telling the volunteers, “It’s so good to see young men doing this!” Indeed, the norm is for young men to praise abortion since it frees them from the consequences of their actions.

Real men don’t act irresponsibly; they defend innocent life.

The Real Answer to Abortion is Purity

Yet another lady conversed with a volunteer from her car window. “Abortion is completely wrong and the government’s policies are only part of the problem!” The volunteer replied, “That is exactly why we are here! The real problem starts at home and these people are getting ready to start families, so they need to hear this!”

When she agreed, the volunteer continued, “The real answer to abortion is purity. All other solutions are like so many towels hoping to wipe up the water without turning off the faucet.” The lady in the car replied enthusiastically “Amen! Amen!”

Victory is Assured with Heaven’s Aid

After a good two hours of campaign and hundreds of pro-life honks, the TFP-LA volunteers ended the day by praying three Hail Mary’s for the success of the pro-life crusade. No battle can be won without the aid of God, His Mother, and the saints. With their help, the victory is assured.

Follow God’s Banner

If you ever see a large red standard with a golden rampant lion surrounded by young men proclaiming the truth, please join as there are never enough volunteers to fight under the banner of God on the moral issues plaguing the country today.

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