by Joseph Gensens
Recent news headlines have been dominated by COP26, a climate change summit of world leaders in Glasgow, Scotland, that was supposed to help solve the world’s climate change “crisis”. The leftist media did their best to show how today’s youth are concerned about the planet with copious coverage of climate change protests. News footage focused on teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg, who was cursing and loudly denouncing world leaders for their inaction on climate change.
These Crucifixes were not made to be hung on a wall, but to be taken wherever each of the participants go, whether it be in their backpacks on a hike, or in the classroom when they study. It is a reminder of their mission to stand up for the Catholic Faith and spread it wherever they go.
Working for God’s Greater Glory and the Salvation of Souls
Contrary to the modern narrative, the sole purpose of the man’s existence is not to save the planet. Catholic social doctrine teaches that we are called to be good stewards of God’s creation. However, the reason for our existence, as the Catechism explains, is to know, love and serve God on this earth in order to be happy with Him in Heaven forever.
By living out our Catholic Faith and spreading it to non-Catholics, we are fulfilling our reason for existing. Catholic thinker Prof. Plinio Correa De Oliveira explains:
“To draw men to the Church is therefore to open the gates of heaven for them. It is to save them. This is the purpose of the mission. This salvation has the extrinsic glory of God as its supreme end.”1
Where the White and Buffalo Rivers Meet…
A big contrast to the exaggerated news about youth working to “save the planet” was the TFP Call to Chivalry Fall Camp in North Arkansas. A group of young men from around the South gathered to learn about the Catholic Missions and how they can spread their Faith as Catholic Crusaders in a culture that rewards vice and cancels virtue.
The camp held from November 18-23 was held at a scenic location in the Ozark Mountains where the White and Buffalo Rivers meet at the base of a majestic cliff.
Exploring the Catholic Missions From Canada to China
Throughout the six-day camp, TFP volunteers gave talks covering the heroic missionary efforts undertaken to bring souls into the saving fold of the Catholic Church, ranging from Canada to nations such as the United States, China, and England. The Catholic missionaries, beginning with the Apostles, were given the Great Mandate by Our Lord Jesus Christ: “Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19).
Throughout the six-day camp, TFP volunteers gave talks covering the heroic missionary efforts undertaken to bring souls into the saving fold of the Catholic Church.
The first talk about the missions was on the North American Martyrs, the 6 Jesuit priests and 2 laymen who gave up an easy life in France to come to the wilderness of New France in modern-day Canada and Upstate New York to preach to the Huron and Iroquois peoples. The heroic sacrifices endured by these men ranged from suffering through the long cold winters, to traveling up to forty miles a day under a hot sun, to the gruesome torture and death that they suffered for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls.
Another inspiring talk was about the English Missions, which covered the breathtaking adventures of priests like Fr. John Gerard. Fr. Gerard was an English Jesuit, who travelled around Protestant England in the later part of the 16th century, on an undercover Crusade bringing the Faith to Catholics at the risk of capture and death. Fr. Gerard was a master of disguise, moving about even in the court of Elizabeth I. At a certain point, he was captured and thrown into the strongest prison in England: the Tower of London. He was severely tortured, but persevered and finally made a hair-raising escape and continued the important mission of spreading the Faith.
The talk on the Chinese Missions by TFP member William Gossett explored the challenges faced by missionaries like St. Francis Xavier to reach the Chinese people. Mr. Gossett explained how, even after the Faith was established in China, Catholics continued to face severe persecution. More recent persecution by the Communist government in the 20th century saw priests exiled from China and in some cases tortured in prison for working with Catholics. A testament to the endeavours of the Catholic missionaries was a story about how one Chinese village went for three years without a priest, and not a single person left the Faith.
A Missionary in Russia
On Sunday, November 21, the camp participants travelled two hours to St. Joseph the Worker Church in Ozark, Missouri to attend a traditional Latin Mass. As a welcome coincidence, the homily was delivered by an elderly missionary priest from Indiana who has been a missionary in Russia since 1991.
The missionary described how he arrived in the Russian city of Vladivostok, and how he struggled to re-establish a mission in a city where the Catholic Faith had been devastated by Communism. Today, ten parishes have been established thanks to this missionary’s apostolic labors. The Catholic mission in Russia continues to face many challenges as missionaries continue to bring the Light of Christ into an increasingly decadent neo-pagan society.
Leaders for the Next Generation
A critical part of every Call to Chivalry Camp is inspiring the young participants to be Catholic leaders for the next generation. Every day begins with the boys rising to the sound of the bagpipes at 7 a.m and starting the day with the St. Michael Prayer for assistance in the spiritual battles ahead. Several volunteers are requested to help cook the breakfast, which provides a way for these young men to acquire a spirit of self-sacrifice. Throughout the day, the young men participate in games and activities that foster a spirit of chivalry and Catholic manliness.
At the end of this year’s camp, the young men were treated to a medieval banquet, which concluded with each receiving a hand-carved Crucifix made by TFP Member Matthew Shibler. He explained that the Crucifix was made without a hole in the back of the wood because these Crucifixes were not made to be hung on a wall, but to be taken wherever each of the participants go, whether it be in their backpacks on a hike, or in the classroom when they study. It is a reminder of their mission to stand up for the Catholic Faith and spread it wherever they go.
Young men wrap up the Medieval Games with a prayer thanking Our Lady for her protection.
Please pray for these young men and their dads. Pray that they persevere in imitating the heroic example set by the missionaries of the Holy Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that they boldly proclaim their Faith as true missionary Crusaders.
All the Holy Catholic Missionaries! Pray For Us!