On Thursday, June 10, close to 50 prayer warriors joined a TFP Rosary Rally in defense of traditional marriage in the main square of Tyler, Texas. The rosary rally was specifically held in reparation for the June 13 “Downtown Drag and Pride Walk” that was being organized by a local business titled, The Fickle Witch. In addition to the rosary, participants prayed the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in observation of the traditional dedication of the month of June.
After the first rosary was finished, a young woman appeared holding a sign which read, “Tyler Downtown Pride”. In between shouts of, “Hypocrites and bigots!”, she identified herself as a witch and the organizer of Sunday’s pride event. Watch the video above to see the events of last Thursday’s rosary rally for yourself.
Enthusiastic at the chance to honor Jesus and Mary in the public square, close to 50 people attended the rally.