Battling for God’s Glory- TFP Regional Conference in Lafayette

March 12, 2020

Speaker Mr. Ben Broussard during his talk titled “Vanquishing Defeatism”.

Friends and supporters of Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana gathered on March 7, 2020 for a day-long conference at the TFP headquarters in Lafayette. The theme was: Battling for God’s Glory While Awaiting Mary’s Triumph.

Mr. James Bascom from the TFP Washington Bureau gave the first presentation titled “Environmentalism: Why Green is the New Red.” Mr. Bascom showed how environmentalists are forcing a radical agenda upon society to push communism and socialism, even in Catholic circles. He concluded invoking Our Lady of Guadalupe to put an end to this attack on Christian civilization.

Mr. Ben Broussard gave the next talk: “Vanquishing Defeatism: Confidence in the Victory to Come.” Mr. Broussard presented stories of the sixteenth century Japanese martyrs as examples of heroic confidence. He then emphasized the need to be convinced of the coming victory of Our Lady even when it seems improbable.

Lunch and lively conversation in an outdoor tent followed. Good food and beautiful weather made for a festive ambience. Serious considerations gleaned from the morning talks set the tone for many discussions.

Attendees came from as far as Arkansas.

Mr. Elias Bartel began the afternoon with TFP Battlefield Report: The Year in Review. He enumerated the many ways the TFP is carrying out its modern-day crusade. The scope and number of the activities of the American TFP during 2019 left a big impact on the audience.

Return to Order author John Horvat gave the final presentation about the theme for the conference. Though the present situation is dire, Mr. Horvat encouraged everyone to look for opportunities for action in defense of the Faith. His concluding remarks made it clear that the future belongs to those who fight for the culture.

Conversations continued into the night, and guests left inspired to continue the battle. May the Blessed Mother send abundant graces to bless the efforts of those who await her miraculous intervention.

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