Chivalry in Action at TFP Texas Center

February 18, 2020

Chivalry in Action at TFP Texas CenterOn the beautiful afternoon of February 15, the Tradition, Family Property—Texas center in the city of Humble hosted a sword-fighting class and educational talk titled, “Putting Chivalry into Practice: How to be Pro-Life Crusaders.” The “Call to Chivalry Day” is a simple half-day program based on the much longer summer camps held by the TFP throughout the country every year. Ten young men attended the program along with five parents.

The boys started by learning proper footwork and gradually progressed to learn parry and riposte techniques. The participants then donned masks and tested their skills against each other. The session ended with the highly popular jug cutting competition. Using a real sword, each participant tries to slice a gallon water jug in half. Some succeed on their first try, while others have difficulty keeping the sword straight and knock the jug unharmed onto the ground. One boy successfully cut his water jug into 6 pieces without knocking it over!

After the sword session, the young men listened to a presentation on chivalry. It focused on TFP caravans as examples of putting chivalry into action. A caravan is the name for a group of TFP members who travel for an extended period of time engaging in public campaigns on burning moral issues of the day from a Catholic perspective. Issues can range from climate change to traditional marriage to socialism and abortion. Many boys were enthused to hear about this courageous adventure and asked what the age limit is for joining one.

Following the presentation, the attention of the young knights in training was rewarded with a satisfying snack kindly provided by one of the parents. After much energetic conversation, the Call to Chivalry Day drew to a close, and the boys set off their separate ways. All of them look forward to the next month’s program.


If you would like to participate in the next Call to Chivalry event, please write to for more information.

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