Catholics Reject “Hail Satan?” in Houston

June 4, 2019

Protest "Hail Satan?"
By Zechariah Long

On May 29, 2019, a brave band of protesters organized by Tradition Family Property—Texas gathered outside the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Houston, Texas, to protest the documentary film, Hail Satan?

Protest "Hail Satan?"

The comedy-documentary is a film about a group known as The Satanic Temple (TST). The group has been promoting Satanic principles in an effort to destroy the concept of America as one nation under God. The film, which was released on Good Friday, seeks to mainstream the idea of Satanism in America.

The weather for the protest was fair as the line of prayer warriors set up holding signs and rosaries.

The reaction from the public was very favorable with the exception of one “tolerant” man covered in tattoos, taking pictures of the rally while cursing the participants with foul language. So much for the idea that Satanists are just “friendly people who only want recognition like everybody else.”

Why Our Lady Weeps


A couple waiting at the traffic light rolled down their car window and asked “Why are you out here?” A rally participant explained that the documentary “Hail Satan?” was showing inside the theater. The couple responded positively and thanked the protesters for what they were doing.

Thumbs up from car

The rally received many other such signs of support from the public. Many passersby gave thumbs up and honks in support. A group of teenage girls, for example, applauded the effort and one girl said: “Oh no! That’s bad. Satan is no good!”

The rally ended after the rosary and other prayers. Participants stayed a while and talked among themselves. There was the normal enthusiasm that comes with defending God’s honor in public.

May Our Lady accept this rally of protest and reparation and hasten to bring the triumph of her Immaculate Heart promised at Fatima. As Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira once prayed: “Come, Lady and Mother, come as soon as possible. …Consider, Lady and Mother, that everything is extremely ripe for punishing Satan and his henchmen, liberating thy children, and establishing thy Reign.”

Protest "Hail Satan?"

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