By Ben Broussard
Martin Luther King Library Jr.
Members and supporters of Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana signed an online petition insisting that the library cancel the event in which men masquerade as women and read stories to small children. The library refused to honor this request. Thus, on the day of the event, some 14 residents gathered to protest and offer an act of reparation for this attack on children’s innocence.
The large median in the street fronting the library served as the perfect spot to protest. The TFP standard, a large banner, and many signs made the protest impossible to ignore. The signs read:
Don’t Drag Children’s Innocence Into the Mud!
Reparation! Reparation! Reparation!
Honk Against the Drag Queen Story Hour!
The public supported the campaign with honks coming from all directions. Occasionally, someone would shout an insult, which only served to increase public support. At times, the honking was deafening.
Many people were shocked to learn the library would host such an event. One woman honked and shouted, “Shame on the library. Thank you for being here!”
Why Our Lady Weeps
The community clearly did not want these depraved men masquerading as women using the public library to read to children.
The protesters offered up prayers of reparation for the grave offense against God and attack on the innocence of His children. A bagpiper played Marian hymns between rosaries.
As the protest concluded, it was obvious that far more were participating in the protest outside than had gone inside the library.
The New Orleans Public Library has hosted the Drag Queen Story Hour at different locations since July 2017. As more such events are planned, TFP – Louisiana and concerned citizens will be holding more rallies of reparation in protest.