By Marie Sallinger
Lady Day 2019 has come and gone this year, as Louisiana ladies joined many others from around the world this past March 8th to celebrate their dignity as a true lady.
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This was the third year in which TFP-Louisiana promoted this event, in opposition to the Marxist-inspired International Women’s Day.
Started by the Socialist movement in 1911, feminists use the International Women’s Day as an occasion in which to push their radical agenda, which includes abortion, same-sex “marriage” and now, transgenderism. This year’s slogan was “Balance is Better” advocating “gender balance,” absurdly including transgender into the blend. All with a strident tone advocating immodesty, vulgarity, and the suppression of motherhood.
In contrast, Acadiana Catholic ladies responded by “tipping the balance” in favor of femininity, celebrating this year’s theme of “Purity and Courageous Motherhood.” It is time to put forward a positive and joyful response honoring God’s plan for women as pure and courageous mothers.
In Lafayette, Louisiana, while dining at the Italian restaurant Antoni’s, conversation centered around the Lady’s Day event. Discussing the feminist IWD agenda’s spinning of “gender parity,” Diane Paille from Rayne, Louisiana, agreed, saying, “you can’t change the difference between men and women, just as you can’t change the meaning of gravity.” Meanwhile, Melinda Howze from Lafayette, Louisiana, commented that many may not be aware, but “there’s power and money behind the [International] Women’s movement to guide women away from families.” An attorney’s wife from Lafayette, added, “what many may not realize is that what the feminists are so determined to resist is us. We stand in their way.”
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Glad to share thoughts about their crucial role in society as real women, all agreed that supporting each other in this noble cause is essential. The feminists pushing this agenda of destruction in society are not going away any time soon. So examples of real Catholic femininity need to increase within our community.
After enjoying the conviviality and dining experience at Antoni’s restaurant, this group of Lafayette ladies headed to the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist to honor the most sublime lady ever, Our Lady.
They chose to gather around the statue of Our Lady of the Assumption since she is the Patroness of Acadiana. The ladies invoked Her intercession as they prayed in reparation for all the sins which harm families. They petitioned for the virtue of purity and the graces they needed in their own motherhood, reciting the prayer of Pope Pius XII to the Immaculate Conception. They also remembered all their loved ones and friends in need of their prayers. Special mention was made of the courageous mother Jamie Schmidt, of Missouri, who recently gave her own life in order to defend purity.