Fighting Abortion in Lafayette: “You have a Good and Noble Cause”

July 25, 2018

By Gabriel Jordan

We posted the last caravan report as we were about to jump out of the van for a campaign in front of the University Hospital of Lafayette, Louisiana. We were not disappointed at this new location. The intersection immediately became a deafening “honk fest” as the local Cajuns showed their support for the unborn.

A man in the turning lane drove up, rolled down his window and said, “My horn don’t work, but all I wanna do is honk! HONK HONK!” This was in stark contrast to an older man who drove by and furiously shouted out of his window, “Kill all the babies!”

Real men Defend the Unborn

All of the members of the TFP caravan are men, manly men who consider the struggle for the unborn a point of national honor and a duty before God. But leftists, grasping for any argument to justify abortion, think they’ve discovered the most brilliant quip when they mutter, “Where are all the women?” There are many ways to answer them; for instance, “REAL men defend the innocent, including unborn women.” But today it was made even easier as a pro-life lady and her two daughters came out and joined the campaign. Their support was most appreciated. Thank you!

Defending the Unborn Amidst a Crisis of Faith


A young man who was driving by on his way to work also came out to join us for a rosary. He had participated in a Call to Chivalry Camp six years ago and was extremely happy to see us again. One thing that should have been mentioned in earlier reports is that half of the participants of the TFP 2018 tour for the unborn participated in the various Call to Chivalry Camps this summer.

If the crusader saints, the noble knights of old, were alive today, there is no doubt which side of this issue they would stand on. As the 10th Commandment of Chivalry directs, “Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.”

“You have a Good and Noble Cause”

After the campaign, one of the TFP volunteers went up to a police officer who was watching us from the hospital parking lot and gave him a Saint Michael’s police badge medal and thanked him for his service. The first thing he said was, “It’s mighty hot out there.” The TFP volunteer responded, “Yes, hot, but totally worth it.” The officer than said, “I know. I’ve seen you all before and I like what you do. You have a good and noble cause. Keep it up and God bless!”

Fighting Back Against Drag Queen Story Hour


The day’s second campaign was at another busy intersection during rush hour. The honks there topped every other intersection so far! Support was overwhelming. And we gave out leaflets, 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn.

To stay hydrated under the hot sun we drink a lot of water. But this afternoon when we reached into the bag for more bottles, we found that it was completely empty. Just then a lady and her two daughters drove by and parked behind us. “We were driving by, we saw you and want to thank you so much!” said one of the daughters. “Do you want any water or sweet tea from Cane’s?” They were back in a short time with water and tea. Mr. Cesar Franco, the caravan leader, spoke with the mother and she said, “Thank you so much. We need you!”

This small gesture of kindness was most certainly a smile from Our Lady. If you happen to drive by an intersection in your town and see the young men in red capes with “honk for the unborn” signs, please stop by and show your support or join us for a period of time.

God bless you!

As seen on TFP Student Action

Read about the rest of the tour here:

#7 – Stop in Houston: Good vs. Evil Fault Line Visible in Abortion Debate
#6 – Pro-Abortionist: “I was a Tadpole in my Mother’s Womb”
#5 – Defending the Unborn at the Alamo
#3 – TFP Crusade for the Unborn Reaches Baton Rouge
#2 – Pro-Life Tour: “Hope in the Midst of Sin and Chaos”
#1 – 10 day TFP Tour Begins in Alabama

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