Houston Catholics say “Never!” to Blasphemous “P— Christ” Exhibit

June 27, 2017

By Robert Nunez

On June 25, members and friends of the American TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign gathered in front of the Station Museum of Contemporary Art in Houston for a peaceful rally of prayer and protest against a blasphemous exhibit being displayed there.

“P— Christ,” as it is called, is a vile and vulgar “art work” by Andres Serrano, which depicts a crucifix submerged in a jar of human urine.

Despite the threat of rain and the scorching Texan heat, about 170 local Catholics attended the event, some coming from as far away as Louisiana. All were animated by the same ardent desire to defend the honor of Our Lord against this public outrage.

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The rally started at 4:30 p.m. to the sound of “Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above” as a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, carried by members of the American TFP, processed in and took her place in the front of the crowd. Young and old alike filled the sidewalks around the museum, praying the rosary, singing hymns, and holding signs and large banners. The participants also joined in proclaiming slogans of protest and reparation.

“Will we stand idle while Our Lord Jesus Christ is publicly blasphemed?”


“Jesus, we love Thee!”


The disgruntled museum staff promptly called the police. Soon, about a dozen officers appeared on the scene to investigate, but they quickly saw that it was a peaceful protest and allowed the rally to proceed. “I can tell that you have all done this before because you are following all the rules,” complimented the lead officer.

The rally was interrupted by several people that taunted and defiantly waved rainbow flags.

Undeterred, the protesters stood firm for the full two-hour rally, enduring the insults with bravery and offering it up in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. They had much to hope in the beautiful words of Our Lord in scripture. “He who confesses Me before men, I will confess him before My Father in heaven.”

As seen on TFP.org



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