By Marc Antony Vargas
At 10:30 a.m. on January 25, 2017 concerned Christians assembled to pray in opposition to the proposal by the Satanic Temple to erect a Baphomet statue on state property. The battle against Satan reached a new milestone at the Arkansas State Capitol where thirty residents were joined by volunteers from Tradition, Family, and Property – Louisiana.
These prayer warriors were not alone; the Return to Order website collected more than 59,000 signatures nationwide to keep the satanic statue off public property.
The State Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission met in Little Rock with the Satanic Temple, a group of darkly dressed members who sneered at the peaceful rally participants. They were clearly feeling uncomfortable as they walked a gauntlet of rosary beads and banners mounting the steps of the capitol building.
One such banner begged the simple question: “Why should we want to honor the devil?”
Hot Springs resident Judy Vance, referring to the banner, said in an interview with Arkansas Online, “That’s going to hell. I don’t want to go to hell.”
Why Our Lady Weeps
The Satanic Temple gets plenty of media sources such as Arktimes, KATV, Talkbusiness and Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Online to cover the protest.
“The fight against Satan in Little Rock is not only for Arkansas, but for the whole American nation,” TFP member Cesar Franco commented. He traveled from Houston Texas, with a group of TFP volunteers for the anti-Satan rally.
Let us pray that Americans will wake up and fight against the satanic offensive which is making inroads into American culture all across our country. It is good to remember the words of Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good for men to do nothing.”
As children of Mary, we await the triumph of her Immaculate Heart, but that will not happen until we drive the Satanic Temple form the American landscape and back under the rock from which it crawled.