10 Day TFP Tour for the Unborn Begins in Alabama – July 2018
As the debate over the issue of abortion continues to divide the nation, a group of young TFP volunteers gathered in New Orleans, Louisiana, to begin a ten-day tour in defense of the sanctity of innocent human life. They will brave the sweltering heat, traveling to cities in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. Their road trip – commonly called a caravan – has been entrusted to the powerful patronage of The Three Archangels.
Father Martin Protest at Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL. – May 8, 2018
There is so much to say and share about the Rosary Rally of Reparation and Protest at Spring Hill College. There is always a special grace and joy when Catholics come together to defend the sacred teachings or Our Lord Jesus Christ from those defiling and mocking those same teachings. And the historic moment when faithful Catholics did take a stand will be remembered on the Day of Judgment.
Should a Jesuit College Hold a ‘Coming Out Day’? – Dec 17, 2010
Absolutely not. Every Catholic college worth its salt should put the rights of God above the shifting dictates of political correctness.