Catholic Texans Take a Stand Against Drag Queen Mockery of Christmas – December 17, 2024
In the heart of downtown Houston, Texas, Christmas carols on the bagpipes could be heard reverberating off the skyscrapers along with slogans such as, “If you love America, keep Christ in Christmas!”… Many local supporters also attended the rosary rally in reparation for the blasphemous Drag Queen “Christmas” event, which took place at the Bayou Music Center on December 17, 2024.
Catholics Make Reparation for Katy Church “Pride Festival” – October 19, 2024
On October 19, 2024, a group of faithful Catholics gathered at the side of the road to oppose a “pride” event hosted by a group that calls itself “First Christian Church.” Among the protesters were a contingent from Tradition, Family, Property-Texas.
Drag Queens, Summer Storms and a Dallas Library – June 9, 2019
On June 9, 2019, Tradition, Family and Property—Texas and its America Needs Fatima friends gathered in front of the J. Erik Johnson Central Library in Dallas to protest against a Drag Queen Story Hour. Thirty-five Texans braved epic winds and rain to pray the rosary in protest. They carried banners and signs, sang songs and chanted slogans categorically rejecting the shameless corrupting of little children in public libraries.
Catholics Reject “Hail Satan?” in Houston – May 29, 2019
On May 29, 2019, a brave band of protesters organized by Tradition Family Property—Texas gathered outside the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Houston, Texas, to protest the documentary film, Hail Satan?
The comedy-documentary is a film about a group known as The Satanic Temple (TST). The group has been promoting Satanic principles in an effort to destroy the concept of America as one nation under God. The film, which was released on Good Friday, seeks to mainstream the idea of Satanism in America.
Support and Rejection Protesting Abortion in Houston – May 14, 2019
On May 14, 2019, members of Tradition, Family, Property–Texas joined other anti-abortion prayer warriors to protest a Planned Parenthood fundraiser called “Cocktail for a Cause.” The event was hosted by the Planned Parenthood Young Leaders at the Axelrad Beer Garden in Houston.
Rosary Rally Unmasks Pro-Abortion Lilith Fund at Skating Rink – April 28, 2019
On April 28, 2019, members of TFP-Texas joined other pro-life activists outside of Lockwood Skating palace in Houston to protest an abortion fundraiser being held by the pro-abortion Lilith Fund. The Catholic faithful at the site held pro-life signs and prayed the Holy Rosary.
Protesting Drag Queen Story Hour on Holy Saturday – April 20, 2019
In what should have been a time of rest for the staff, the New Orleans Public Library was open on Holy Saturday 2019. Worse yet, two branches hosted the Drag Queen Story Hour.
Protesting the Drag Queen Story Hour in New Orleans – April 6, 2019
Members and supporters of Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana signed an online petition insisting that the library cancel the event in which men masquerade as women and read stories to small children. The library refused to honor this request. Thus, on the day of the event, some 14 residents gathered to protest and offer an act of reparation for this attack on children’s innocence.
Texans Say No! to Drag Queen Story Time in Houston – March 30, 2019
On March 30, members of Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana hosted a Rosary rally to protest against Drag Queen Story Time at the Freed-Montrose Public Library in Houston. The event features men dressed as women reading pro-homosexual materials to children as young as three years old. Protesters were outraged by the news that at least one (now two) of these storytellers is a registered sex offender. Overlooking the safety of the children, the library officials neglected to do the legally required background check on the storytellers.
TFP Members Address Houston City Council Over Scandal at Public Library’s Drag Queen Story Hour – March 26, 2019
Public indignation hit a peak after one of the readers for the DQST at the Houston Public Library was revealed to be a convicted pedophile, a fact discovered by the conservative organization MassResistance. This frustration could be felt in the Council chamber. Several pro-family Houstonians addressed the mayor and Council members with impassioned statements regarding the scandal.
Local Catholics Totally Reject Lafayette Drag Queen Story Time – Feb 3, 2019
The crowd that assembled on short notice surpassed the adults corralling a dozen poor children in a room inside the library. These events feature men dressed as drag queens who read stories to 3-6 year-old children. Local libraries nationwide are pressured to hold these story times as a way to introduce gender ideology into the mainstream. Concerned citizens have responded by protesting what they see as the corruption of children’s innocence in a public forum at taxpayer’s expense.
“Drag Queen Story Hour” Postponed Indefinitely Because of Protest – Oct 7, 2018
Because of widespread protest, the Lafayette Public Library decided not to host the pro-homosexual “Drag Queen Story Hour” for toddlers. But instead of canceling the offensive program that targets children as young as 3, the library moved the event to South Louisiana Community College (SLCC). As the peaceful protest continued to grow, however, the college nixed plans to allow the event on campus.
Texans Say “No” to Indecent Drag Queen Story Hour for Toddlers – Aug. 25, 2018
The public library has the following description for this shameful event on its webpage, “These vibrant Queens will help to instill a sense of love and acceptance in our children while encouraging them to be true to themselves.”
Rosary of Reparation: Taking a Stand Against Satanism – Aug. 17, 2018
On August 15th, the feast day of Our Lady’s Assumption into heaven, nearly 300 Catholics gathered in front of the Arkansas state capitol to take a stand against the devil and his nefarious works. This large-scale effort was made possible on extremely short notice due to the generous financial support and prayers we received from friends of America Needs Fatima.
Catholics protest Fr. James Martin speaking at Loyola Commencment – May 12, 2018
Faithful Catholics gathered in front of New Orleans’ Superdome on May 12 in protest and reparation for the choice of pro-homosexual Jesuit Fr. James Martin as the commencement speaker for Loyola University’s graduation ceremony.
May 12, 2018 – Rosary of Reparation in front of Superdome
We were more numerous than expected on Saturday! It’s true that many more Catholics should have been at the Superdome Rosary of Reparation. But with the short notice given of Fr. James Martin being the Loyola commencement speaker, plus the busy schedules we all contend with, some wondered if any Catholics would show up. By the grace of God, we showed up and to the greater glory of God.
May 8, 2018 – Father Martin Protest Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL.
There is so much to say and share about the Rosary Rally of Reparation and Protest at Spring Hill College. There is always a special grace and joy when Catholics come together to defend the sacred teachings or Our Lord Jesus Christ from those defiling and mocking those same teachings. And the historic moment when faithful Catholics did take a stand will be remembered on the Day of Judgment.
Transgender Tyranny Opposed in Texas – Aug. 15, 2017
America Needs Fatima made its presence known in a prayer rally on the steps of the Texas Capitol, in Austin Texas this August 15th when a Texas version of a North Carolina-style “bathroom bill” dealing with “transgender” people was put to a vote. Republicans have continued pushing to make Texas the first state to follow North Carolina and prevent “transgender” bathroom tyranny in schools and public spaces.
Third Protest against P—Christ Blasphemy in Houston, Texas – Aug. 12, 2017
On August 12, 2017, America Needs Fatima organized yet another anti-blasphemy rally. The P-Christ blasphemy once again reared its ugly head. The blasphemy is a color photograph of a crucifix immersed in the artist’s urine. It came to the Station Museum of Contemporary Art in June, 2017, and America Needs Fatima has been doing rallies of reparation since then and will continue until it leaves.
Houston Catholics Say “Never” to Blasphemous “P— Christ” Exhibit – June 25, 2017
On June 25, members and friends of the American TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign gathered in front of the Station Museum of Contemporary Art in Houston for a peaceful rally of prayer and protest against a blasphemous exhibit being displayed there.
Protests Against Luciferians Really Work – Feb. 6, 2017
At the end of October, 2015, members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) gathered together with local friends and supporters to pray the rosary and successfully protest the founding of a “Church” of Lucifer in the small upscale town of Old Town Spring, Texas. The trendy shopping area had long been a favorite of families in the Houston area. However, with the arrival of the Luciferians things changed quickly.
Americans Say “No” to Baphomet – Jan. 25, 2017
At 10:30 a.m. on January 25, 2017 concerned Christians assembled to pray in opposition to the proposal by the Satanic Temple to erect a Baphomet statue on state property. The battle against Satan reached a new milestone at the Arkansas State Capitol where thirty residents were joined by volunteers from Tradition, Family, and Property – Louisiana.
Showdown with Satanism in Oklahoma – August 20, 2016
“God Yes! Satan No!”
“Reparation! Reparation! Reparation!”
“Begone, Satan! Begone, Satan!”
Catholics Defend Virgin Mary as Satanists Attack Her – Christmas Eve, 2015
Faithful Catholics from several states gathered in front of City Hall in Oklahoma City on December 23 for a rosary rally of reparation organized by the American TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign. Demonstrators urged Mayor Mick Cornett to revoke the permit his office issued to a satanic group which desecrated a statue of the Virgin Mary on Christmas Eve in front of Saint Joseph Old Cathedral
Battle Against Lucifer in Texas – Oct 31, 2015
To the dismay of local residents, the once quiet town of Old Town Spring in Texas has become a center of controversy as the “Greater Church of Lucifer” opened its doors on the eve of All Saints Day.
Spiritual Warfare in the Heartland – Sept 21, 2014
The Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall hosted the satanic ritual, notwithstanding massive opposition from more than 215,000 Americans who signed online petitions expressing their indignation. Months of emails and phone calls in protest and many attempts to have the event cancelled seemed to no avail. The day arrived when the satanic ritual sacrilege took place as the venue’s officials obstinately refused to respond to public opinion and cancel the event.
TFP Defends the Honor of Our Lady Against Homosexual Blasphemy – Dec. 6, 2013
The Dallas Theater was called to task for blasphemy against the Virgin Mary in Dallas, Texas, December 6, 2013 – Protesters gathered at the intersection of Turtle Creek Blvd. and Lemmon Ave. near the Kalita Humphreys Theater in Dallas, Texas, on December 8 at 1:00 PM to oppose Paul Rudnick’s play, The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told.
Protest Against Satanic “Exorcism” – Oct. 21, 2010
On Thursday, October 21, a public satanic ritual was performed at the Civic Center in Oklahoma City, Okla. The ritual was billed as a mockery of the Catholic Rite of Exorcism rather than what it really was – a satanic ceremony performed in public. Around thirty-five dedicated Catholic souls stood with TFP and America Needs Fatima to offer a public rally of reparation for this sacrilegious and blasphemous event.