By Joseph Dunlap
The Devil’s Final Battle: TFP Author Uncovers the Truth about the Homosexual Movement
On October 22, 2024, TFP author Jose Antonio Ureta spoke in Lafayette, Louisiana, at the headquarters of Tradition, Family, and Property – Louisiana. He introduced his book, The Breached Dam – The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement, as part of a speaking tour throughout Texas and Louisiana.
The book outlines how Pope Francis’ declaration, Fiducia Supplicans, helps promote the homosexual agenda inside the Church. He presented evidence that shows how prophetic Sister Lucy, the Fatima seer, was, when she wrote that, “the Devil’s final battle will be over marriage and the family.”
A Veteran in Defense of the Church
Jose Antonio Ureta is originally from Chile, but now resides in France, where he is a senior scholar and researcher of the French Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property. He is also a member of the Plinio Correa de Oliveira Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil, a founding member of Fundacion Roma, one of Chile’s most influential pro-life and pro-family organizations, and a director of the John Paul II Academy of Human Life and the Family.
He co-authored The Synodal Process is a Pandora’s Box with Mr. Julio Loredo de Izcue in 2023, with a foreword by Cardinal Raymond Burke. The Breached Dam was also co-authored with Mr. Loredo, and published earlier this year in 8 languages.
Are Catholic Campuses Truly Catholic
Thomas Drake, the President of Tradition, Family, and Property – Louisiana, set the tone for Mr. Ureta’s talk in Lafayette, Louisiana when he asked the audience, “When we send our children to a Catholic college, or even high school, we don’t expect them to be confronted with an LGBTQ+ drive on campus to recruit them to a sinful lifestyle!…or do we?” Given the times, many in the audience replied they would not be shocked if this happened.
This Struggle is not New
During his talk, Mr. Ureta explained how the pro-LGBTQ lobby has infiltrated into the religious sphere. As early as the seventies, organizations like Soulforce and the Catholic Theological Society of America were presenting documents hostile to Church teaching on points of human sexuality.
Soulforce stated its mission saying, “We believe that religion has become the primary source of false and inflammatory misinformation…The Roman Catholic Church teaches that our orientation is ‘objectively disordered’ and our acts of intimacy ‘intrinsically evil’…Our goal is to confront and eventually replace these tragic untruths…”
In 1977, the Catholic Theological Society of America commissioned Fr. Anthony Kosnik to edit a collective work on Human Sexuality: New Directions in American Catholic Thought. The author argues that, “the Bible does not provide us with a simple yes or no code of sexual ethics,” and he dared to criticized the Catholic tradition for insisting that moral aberrations, like sodomy, bestiality, and so on, are considered intrinsically evil acts, under no circumstances justifiable.
The LGBT Movement is a Moral Revolution
Another pioneer in pro-homosexual activism in the seventies, Paul Varnell, wrote in the Chicago Free Press, “So, the gay movement, whether we acknowledge it or not, is not a civil rights movement, not even a sexual liberation movement, but a moral revolution aimed at changing people’s view of homosexuality.”
Thus, Mr. Ureta stressed the poison behind the phenomenon of the sexual revolution, both inside and outside the Church. He said, this revolution aims at a total upheaval of Catholic doctrine and societal norms centered on the family.
The Case of Fiducia Supplicans
In light of this offensive against morality, Mr. Ureta explained Pope Francis’ latest declaration, Fiducia Supplicans and what the faithful’s reaction should be.
The document contradicts an earilier declaration by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 2021, which states, “it is not licit to impart a blessing on relationships, or partnerships, even stable, that involve sexual activity outside of marriage (…), as is the case of the unions between persons of the same sex.”
The Devil’s Final Battle: TFP Author Uncovers the Truth about the Homosexual Movement
In 2023, Fiducia Supplicans, stated the exact opposite. It admits, “the possibility of blessings for couples in irregular situations and for couples of the same sex, the form of which should not be fixed ritually by ecclesial authorities to avoid producing confusion with the blessing proper to the Sacrament of Marriage.”
The declaration was signed by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez and approved by the Pope. it stipulates that the blessing should not be given in a ceremonial fashion, but spontaneously, with no resemblance to a civil union.
Four Fallacies in Fiducia Supplicans
Mr. Ureta then pointed out four major fallacies present in the declaration.
The first was the invention of the “pastoral blessing.” The declaration, he said, contrasts this new category with the previous category of liturgical blessings. Fiducia Supplicans states that these pastoral blessings differ from liturgical blessings because they do not necessitate prior moral perfection.
However, Mr. Ureta pointed out that the Church has never made prior moral perfection a necessity, since the priest blesses all the faithful at the end of Mass, some of whom may not be in the state of Grace. Moreover, blessings fall under the category of sacramentals, such as holy water, which can be given even to non-Catholics, if they sincerely ask for them.
The problem with this new pastoral blessing is not the need for prior moral perfection, but the scandal it would impart, by giving a visual approval of the state of practicing homosexuals.
The second was the assertion that blessing the couple does not necessarily bless the union. The subterfuge consists in trying to distinguish between the couple and the union, when what makes a couple is that which unites them. In this case, the unifying factor is the homosexual way of life and to bless sin is impossible.
The third is that partners only ask their relationship to be blessed in their positive aspects. However, a person cannot pretend that the different aspects of their conjugal relationship can be placed in watertight compartments to be considered separately.
Even so, Mr. Ureta continued, the “positive aspects” themselves, in such a relationship, may contribute to sustaining their sinful lifestyle, while impeding any genuine conversion which grace may otherwise obtain. Blessing that which keeps a sinful relationship together may entrench them even deeper and farther away from God.
The last fallacy is the attempt to separate the Church’s pastoral action from Her doctrine. This way of thinking underestimates the gravity of sin and its consequences. If doctrine is separate from pastoral care, why then did Jesus instruct the adulteress and the other sinners He converted to, “Go and sin no more.” (John 8:11)
We Must Resist
Mr. Ureta’s timely talk encouraged all the faithful to resist the implementation of Fiducia Supplicans. He recalled the Christmas message of Cardinal Robert Sarah, who wrote about resisting the declaration, “In doing so, one is not opposing Pope Francis but rather standing firmly and radically against a heresy that severely undermines the Church, the Body of Christ, as it contradicts Catholic Faith and Tradition.”
To finish, Mr. Ureta left the audience with these inspiring words, “This is our calling: to engage in the final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan, a struggle that Sr. Lucy foretold would be fought ‘over marriage and the family.’ We must approach this fight with courage, remembering that ‘Our Lady has already crushed his head.’”