By Alvaro Morales
Catholics Make Reparation for Katy Church “Pride Festival”
On October 19, 2024, a group of faithful Catholics gathered at the side of the road to oppose a “pride” event hosted by a group that calls itself “First Christian Church.” Among the protesters were a contingent from Tradition, Family, Property-Texas.
This church drew controversy in September 2022 for organizing an “All-Ages Drag Queen Bingo.” At the time, hundreds of protestors and dozens of counter-protestors gathered, including armed Antifa. Riot police were called to prevent the leftists from attacking the peaceful prayerful protesters.
Jesus Condemns Homosexual Sin
No real Christian would support any LGBTQ+ agenda, as it contradicts the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church and Sacred Scripture. As Saint Paul clearly teaches in his letters to the Corinthians and the Galatians; the unrighteous – and practicing homosexuals – will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9 and Galatians 5:19-21).
A “pride” event hosted by a group that calls itself “First Christian Church”
Two Muslim young men approached the rosary rally and said, “this LGBTQ festival is an abomination. Even though we are Muslim, we know what Christians stand for and they are against homosexuality.”
Children Robbed of Their Innocence
This First Christian Church’s pride festival had drag queens immodestly dressed. They were dancing in provocative ways in front of young children. The event included a drag queen story time where children aged 4-10 watched and were wearing ‘pride’ clothing while dancing provocatively to irreverent music. A tragic scene unfolded where the children yelled insults at those who were peacefully praying for their conversion.
This First Christian Church’s pride festival had drag queens immodestly dressed
Rally participant Gayle felt very strongly about opposing the drag queen story time saying: “‘First Christian Church’ is a misnomer. Our Lord was very clear when he said, ‘If any man scandalizes the little ones, it would be better to have a millstone tied around his neck and be cast into the sea.’ They are not doing the work of Jesus. They are doing the work of Satan.”
Anthony Atilano, a TFP—Texas volunteer said, “Drag queen story time is child abuse. The little children are having their innocence robbed from them before they even have a chance to defend themselves.”
Is this not grooming? Scandalizing little children so that they grow up accepting homosexual sin as normal while despising those who speak the truth is truly abusive.
The police officers present told a TFP—Texas volunteer that they had no idea the event would be an LGBTQ pride festival. One said, “We feel betrayed. We were told it was going to be at a church festival…”
Those protesting felt sickened by the church’s use of religion to change sin and disguise it as diversity or normal.
Determined to Fight the Good Fight
Overall, rosary rally turnout was excellent with zealous Catholics fighting for God’s truth and defending the innocence of children. In addition, the protesters influenced those who passed by to consider fighting the good fight.
Catholics fighting for God’s truth and defending the innocence of children
“Sacrificing your time and efforts to publicly console God and defend children’s innocence is time well spent. Rosario Ramos did a very good job leading the rally,” said Cameron, a rosary rally participant from Katy.