Pro-Life March in Texas: “Even After Roe, the Fight for Life is Not Over”

October 9, 2024

By Kevin Roman

On October 5, 2024, hundreds of pro-lifers spent their Saturday morning attending the 17th annual March of the Surviving Youth in Houston, Texas.

The theme of this year’s march was: “Even post-Roe, the fight for life is not over until every baby everywhere is safe from abortion.”

Catholics March Against the Culture of Death

Starting at a local church, the pro-life crowd marched to a Planned Parenthood center, known as the largest abortion facility in Houston. The rally peacefully prayed the Holy Rosary and sang hymns to Our Lady. It was a symbolic gesture and an act of reparation for the innocent lives lost to the horrors of abortion and the impure culture, which generated it.

Members of the Tradition, Family and Property-Texas (TFP) participated in the event, encouraging and exhorting pro-lifers to continue the battle to eliminate abortion in America and return to a Christian order.

Pro-Life is Young and Vibrant

Everywhere young people and families were proof that the pro-life crusade is far from over. In stark contrast, pro-abortion counter-protesters were nowhere to be found.

Two young altar boys led the rally with two crucifixes in hand followed by four young men carrying a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Other banners and images to saints, Our Lady and Our Lord were found throughout the march.

The March Grows in Size and Determination

The Catholic Organization of Life (COOL) organized the event. Gabriel Rivas, current president of COOL commented: “I am happy with this year’s turnout. We have to keep on fighting for life and especially keep praying the rosary.”

“Some like to say that the overturning of Roe v. Wade erases the need for marches,” said TFP volunteer Anthony Atilano. “They are completely wrong. This is the time to redouble our efforts. We will only stop marching when procured abortion is eliminated in America!”

With this march, the young crowd pressed the attack for life resolving to stay in the field until procured abortion becomes unthinkable and God and His Blessed Mother are loved and obeyed.

Catholics will March till the End

Now is not the time to be discouraged but rather to courageously march forward. The great victory in overturning Roe v. Wade is an example of what can be achieved. It shocked the world and proved that unlikely victories are possible. However, it is only the beginning. Much more can be expected if people trust in God and continue to bring the fight for the culture into the public square.

May Our Lady present our prayers before the throne of God and hasten the day when procured abortion will finally be made unthinkable in America.

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