Alabamans Proclaim the Fifth Commandment: Thou Shall Not Kill!

July 25, 2024

by John Paul Tomba

Day two of the caravan of Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana (TFPLA) was exciting.

From a Convent to the Streets

Our group of young activists was appearing in the public square in defense of the Ten Commandments.  The morning of July 22 found us in the Convent of the Sisters of the Visitation in Mobile, Alabama. The schedule began with prayers and a hearty breakfast. The summer humidity welcomed us with a warm embrace as we loaded our banners and signs into the van, and set off in search of a large intersection.

Our first campaign was well received. Most passers-by seemed pleasantly surprised at the spectacle of young men in suits with a banner that read “The Ten Commandments Matter.”

Alabamans Proclaim the Fifth Commandment: Thou Shall not Kill!

As lunch time rolled around, we decided to head downtown and try our “honk against abortion” banner. With Alabama being a sanctuary state for the unborn, we expected a positive reaction. And indeed, it was. Passing cars honked in support, Government workers leaving the courthouse took our “Ten Reasons Against Abortion” flyer. One man exclaimed, “This is exactly what we need! This is why we are in the mess we are now, is because we have allowed the mass murder of children!”

A Mother Proves that High-Risk Pregnancy Does not Justify Abortion

A lady walking with her toddler spoke at length with a TFPLA volunteer. She mentioned that she had driven by the campaign three times, honking in support. However, she felt the need to get out and participate. She shared her story of how she was suffering with a high-risk pregnancy, and the advice of the doctors was to “just end the pregnancy” because the baby “would never survive.”

The baby that “would never survive” was holding her hand as she spoke, healthy and smiling, proof that killing the child is never the solution, nor the right “choice.”

The Bagpipes Bring Support

Before wrapping up, another woman exclaimed; “I just had to come and see where the bagpipes were coming from. We can hear you all on the fourth floor where I work,” pointing to the courthouse building. “Is it okay if I get a picture? I love what you are doing!”

Rest to Campaign Another Day

To wrap up the day, we drove back to the prior intersection. A golden sunset peeking through billowing clouds, a light mist and a cool breeze provided a welcome respite from the relentless afternoon heat. Honks of support came from the traffic by the hundreds, and some drivers shouted in support. We were praying the rosary when, without warning, the mist turned into heavy rain and we were forced to retreat to the van and return to the Visitation Convent where we found a hot, hearty dinner waiting for us.

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