Our Lady is our guiding star to safe harbor.
January traditionally marks a month-long flurry of pro-life activity across the nation. For this reason, Tradition, Family and Property—Texas launched a pro-life winter caravan of young volunteers on January 15. Our objective was to defend the unborn in Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana.
This year is different from all others. The “new normal” caused by government shutdowns and political upheaval make things unpredictable. The pro-life schedule was upside down with cancellations and adjustments. Thus, the caravan put itself under the guiding patronage of Our Lady Star of the Sea, or Stella Maris in Latin. Like the sailors that looked to the heavens to find their way, Our Lady was our guiding star to safe harbor.
The caravan began with prayer. On the eve of our departure, we chanted a part of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The volunteers took turns doing an all-night prayer vigil for the success of the caravan and the souls we would encounter along the way. Thus, the Stella Maris caravan departed for its first campaign in Dallas, Texas.
Rally at the Earle Cabell Federal Courthouse
On January 16, fifty souls gathered outside the Earle Cabell Federal Courthouse in Dallas to pray the Rosary and make reparation for the sin of abortion. The infamous Roe v. Wade decision originated in this courthouse. Despite the COVID restrictions that make protesting difficult, the pro-life Texans in the Dallas public square showed how much resisting abortion meant to them. “Abortion kills 99% of those subjected to it. Can the same be said of COVID?” said one rally participant.
The pro-life Texans in the Dallas public square showed just how much resisting abortion meant to them.
We joined a small group that processed from the Guadalupe Cathedral to the gathering at the Earle Cabell building. We prayed rosaries and sang hymns along the way. The Our Fathers and Hail Marys echoed off the buildings. Upon arrival, our bagpipers played Immaculate Mary and all present formed a corridor for a statue of Our Lady of Fatima to enter solemnly through the crowd. The entrance awakened expressions of tenderness and immense hope and gratitude on the faces of those gathered. One lady even wept with joy. The protesters then prayed the Rosary while those in cars would honk and wave. Occasional hecklers shouted disagreement.
A small group processed from the Guadalupe Cathedral to the gathering at the Earle Cabell Courthouse.
One of our signs said, A child is a blessing, not a disease. “You got that right!” said a man walking by. “We are out here doing a rally against abortion which destroys the family unit,” replied Evan Olwell of TFP Texas.” “Yeah I know. I’ve already lost a child to abortion…” said the man sadly.
After the Rosary, the statue processed back through the downtown with praying and singing. One woman drove by shouting “My body my choice! My body my choice! The driver directly behind her laid on the horn waving at us. The light turned green and the horn sounded well past the intersection lights.
The participants of the rally of reparation went home with renewed commitment to defend the family which is so much under attack by abortion.
“Abortion hasn’t stopped, then neither will we,” affirmed TFP volunteer Alvaro Zapata. He expressed well the sentiments of many pro-life Americans.
by Cesar Franco