First Sunday Talk: Apparitions of Saint Michael the Archangel

May 30, 2019


On May 5, Tradition, Family, Property–Louisiana held its monthly First Sunday Talk at its New Orleans center. Speaker Ben Broussard spoke about little-known events in Catholic history. The topic was the apparitions of Saint Michael, the Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, who rarely appears to men. When he does, the presence of the great archangel remains for all ages.

Mr. Broussard showed how Saint Michael has appeared to the poor and uneducated. He has manifested himself to hermits, bishops and a pope. Even the Church’s enemies have beheld him and fled in terror. Apparition places include Italy, France, Mexico, and China.

Concluding his talk, the TFP speaker explained that as Saint Michael rose up to defend God’s honor, his fight continues today. More than once Saint Michael has appeared with the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is quite fitting, as Our Lady is the Queen of the Angels.

The presentation finished with comments on this title from Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira:

“Our Lady wants to expel the devils that infest the world through the angels, her subjects. To invoke her under the title of Queen of the Angels is most efficacious. In this fight, men have a special role to play. They must ask Our Lady to expel the devils from the earth. Without this prayer, she does not do it. If we ask her, she will do it, but it is necessary to ask. Therefore, since we are living in an epoch where the demonic infestation has reached its apex, we should ask with increasing insistence that the hour of the power of darkness end and that the devils be cast into Hell.”

The day’s event concluded with lunch and the rosary. Conversations followed about the need to invoke the angels for today’s battles.

May Our Lady Queen of Angels send Saint Michael and his legions to bring a great victory for God’s glory.




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