Reasons for Hope and Confidence at TFP Louisiana Conference

March 1, 2019

TFP Louisiana Mr. HorvatWritten by

Tradition, Family, Property – Louisiana held its 2019 Regional Conference at its headquarters in Lafayette, Louisiana on February 22. Over 80 friends and supporters came from throughout the state and neighboring Texas. The central theme of the event was one of hope and confidence for all those engaged in the cultural war.

TFP author John Horvat II delivered the first talk titled “The Prodigal Son: God Will Not Despise a Contrite and Humble Heart.” He took the theme of the Prodigal Son found in his book, Return to Order, and compared the plight of the nation with that of the Gospel parable figure.

“Our only way out is to become those prodigal sons who long for the Father’s house, which is a Christian civilization,” said Mr. Horvat. “Our role as TFP members, supporters and friends is to awaken in ourselves and others this longing for the Father’s house which will facilitate a return to order.”

The most effective means of resisting the present crisis in the Church was the topic of a talk by Norman Fulkerson. He discussed the push to democratize the Church in the name of a misguided reform. Mr. Fulkerson pointed to the example of TFP founder Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira as one who resisted those who attacked the Church by defending Catholic doctrine with firmness yet without revolt.

Norman Fulkerson TFP Louisiana Conference 2019

TFP speaker Michael Whitcraft gave a very logical exposition on how the world has failed to heed the message of Fatima and how this failure creates all the conditions for a chastisement. Although the details of this event are impossible to foresee, Mr. Whitcraft speculated about what might logically be expected. He also explained how faithful Catholics might prepare themselves for this chastisement.

Defending the Unborn Amidst a Crisis of Faith


Finally, James Bascom, who is part of the American TFP’s Washington Bureau, presented his talk, “The Grand Return: Our Hope.” He gave an account of the statue and shrine of Our Lady of Boulogne in France. The miraculous statue first appeared mysteriously in 636 off the coast of France in the strategic town of Boulogne-sur-Mer. It was saved three times from destruction by enemies of the Church. During and after World War II, this devotion was revived under the title of Our Lady of the Grand Return. Copies of the statue traveled throughout France. These pilgrimages were the occasions of extraordinary graces, rarely seen in history that brought about conversions and religious fervor not only in France but other countries.

James Bascom TFP Louisiana Conference 2019

The well-organized event was full of opportunities to meet new friends and old. The event was blessed by the efforts of so many friends and supporters of the TFP. Many ladies helped prepare the food and set up the refreshments. Others decorated the TFP center with beautiful flower arrangements.

As in all gatherings in Louisiana, there were plenty of refreshments and hospitality. There were also many opportunities to converse with others, especially at the wine and cheese get-together after the talks. Many of the attendees had participated in the campaigns, rosary rallies and protests that TFP-Louisiana has held over the past year. Everyone was happy that they had confided in Our Lady and come to the conference. The talks and conviviality had provided them with increased fervor for future actions.

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