This first Arkansas Call to Chivalry Camp was graced to have a replica of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima presiding throughout
By Kenneth Murphy
Most of our readers will be familiar with TFP’s Call to Chivalry camps during the summer in California, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania, but now there is a call to chivalry camp during the fall in Arkansas. In 2011, it was held at the White Buffalo Resort in Arkansas’ northeast corner from November 19-23. a total of 42 attended the camp no only from Arkansas, but also most of the surrounding states.
Camp Highlights
Participants enjoyed myth-busting presentations on medieval society, siege warfare and the secrets behind building medieval castles and cathedrals. Lectures also revealed figures from Catholicism’s rich history, including the heroic Papal Zouaves who defended the Faith and the Pope during the time of Napoleon III, Our Lady of the Pillar from Spain, St John Bosco the school master, and Christopher Columbus, discoverer of the Americas.
The star attraction of the four-day camp was a visit to the medieval castle of the Ozarks. The castle is being built by period-dressed medieval enthusiasts who quarry, transport and shape the stones with authentic medieval tools and methods. It is scheduled for completion in 2030 but is already one-third finished. The subdued sounds of the human-powered crane, horse draw carts, and small handheld tool contrasted with the noise of generators, tractor and jackhammers one would normally expect at a work site.
The builders take pride in their unique work. The master stone layer explained to the wide-eyed audience that he loves nothing more than “uncovering a buried rock, cutting it to give it a personality, and helping it find its place in the wall.”
The stone castle is guaranteed to stand – barring purposeful destruction – tor thousands of years and the camp participants can count themselves among its builder, since they experienced every step of its construction. They helped make medieval ropes for construction, cut stone for the castle and wove cloth for the workers, as well as calculating right angles, circles, and arches with simple but accurate rope techniques.
A group shot at the Ozark Medieval Fortress. This authentic replica of a medieval castle is being built using local stone. Only medieval building techniques are allowed and they are taught to visiting volunteers will to lend a hand. The castle is estimated to be completed in the year 2030
Like all Call to Chivalry programs, the camp ended with medieval games, a festive banquet, and a castle cake which did not withstand the attack of young boys.
Before it was time to go, 17-year-old Nicholas Werner from Missouri commented, “After so many years of just looking at pictures in Crusade I’ve finally enjoyed a legendary camp. I work on a farm I’ve been to busy to attend the camps in the summer, so when my dad and I heard about his one we said ‘At last: a fall camp!'”
Dennis Ledet from Louisiana, father of 13-year-old Pierce said, “I enjoy the games and hikes just as much as my boy, so we weren’t going to miss this camp for the world. I also feel it’s imperative to learn about our Catholic heritage. Boys need role models and the presentations bring saints to life and show them as heroes who always did what is right instead of what is popular”
As seen in Crusade Magazine
Every morning of the three-day event started off with the singing of the Credo and the raising of the flags
Another shot of the singing of the Credo, showing the White River and a 700ft. bluff in the background